
Circulating Books

Overdue items are declared “Lost” 45 days after due date and incur the following charges:

  • $100.00 replacement fee (or cost of the item, whichever is greater) charge per item.
  • When a “Lost” item returned or found in the libraries, the replacement fee will be refunded.

Reserve Items

The starting overdue fees for reserve items:

  • $2.00 per hour per item on 2 hour loans; $10.00 per day per item on 1 and 3 day loans

All overdue reserve items are declared “Lost” on the third day past due and incur the following charges:

  • $150.00 replacement fee (or cost of the item, whichever is greater) charge per item.
  • When a “Lost” item returned or found in the libraries, the replacement fee will be refunded.

Recalled Items

Recalled Items are due seven days after the recall notice (or the original due date if that is sooner) and are declared overdue on the seventh day:

  • $2.00 per day per item overdue

Recalled items are declared “Lost” six days after due date and incur the following charges:

  • $100.00 replacement fee (or cost of the item, whichever is greater) charge per item.
  • When a “Lost” item returned or found in the libraries, the replacement fee will be refunded.

Why does my account still say the item is out?

If an item remains on your library account more than 24 hours after you returned it, you can come to the circulation desk to request a “Claims Return” search. The search usually takes 2 – 3 weeks to complete. When the search is finished, you’ll be sent notification of the results. If the material was found during the search, you don’t need to do anything. If it was not found during the search, you will need to speak to the branch circulation staff.

Please note that when you return something to circulation you can request a receipt for your records.