We will consider the way the law responds to the transition from childhood to adulthood across a variety of legal topics. We will consider the ways numeric age and conceptions of maturity influence responses to a range of issues. Topics may include: the treatment of youth in the criminal justice system; the rights of youth to familial or state support in obtaining housing and other material goods; the relationship between youth and commercial actors or other third parties ranging from the infancy doctrine to social media platforms; parental authority and responsibilities in healthcare and educational decision-making; the civic spheres of military service, voting, and jury duty; protective laws such as labor laws; and ages of privilege such as driving and access to alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis. We will read together for the first portion of the course, opening class with a simple reading quiz in lieu of reaction papers. In the middle portion of the course, we will use fishbowl debates and other rapid team work to develop and unpack frameworks underneath youth law. In the final portion of the course, students will offer oral presentations of their research projects in light of the frameworks we develop. Evaluation will be based on preparation, class participation, quizzes, presentations, and a paper. UPPERCLASS WRITING REQUIREMENT: This class may not be used to satisfy the requirement. GRADING NOTICE: This seminar does not offer the CR/NC option.