Data Seminar

  • Starts: 12:00 pm on Thursday, March 3, 2016
  • Ends: 1:30 pm on Thursday, March 3, 2016
Speaker: Swati Gupta (MIT Title: Solving Combinatorial Games using Products, Projections and Lexicographically Optimal Bases Abstract: In order to find Nash-equilibria for two-player zero-sum games where each player plays combinatorial objects like spanning trees, matchings etc, we consider two online learning algorithms: the online mirror descent (OMD) algorithm and the multiplicative weights update (MWU) algorithm. The OMD algorithm requires the computation of a certain Bregman projection, that has closed form solutions for simple convex sets like the Euclidean ball or the simplex. However, for general polyhedra one often needs to exploit the general machinery of convex optimization. We give a novel primal-style algorithm for computing Bregman projections on the base polytopes of polymatroids. Next, in the case of the MWU algorithm, although it scales logarithmically in the number of pure strategies or experts N in terms of regret, the algorithm takes time polynomial in N; this especially becomes a problem when learning combinatorial objects. We give a general recipe to simulate the multiplicative weights update algorithm in time polynomial in their natural dimension. This is useful whenever there exists a polynomial time generalized counting oracle (even if approximate) over these objects. Finally, using the combinatorial structure of symmetric Nash-equilibria (SNE) when both players play bases of matroids, we show that these coincide with lexicographically optimal bases and can be found with a single projection or convex minimization without having to rely on online learning. This is joint work with Michel Goemans and Patrick Jaillet.
MCS 148
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