Dan Flanagan

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  • Dan at the site of Nelson Mandela's arrest in 1962.

  • The Blue Roof Wellness Centre, where Dan Flanagan worked in the Summer of 2015.

  • Inside the Blue Roof Wellness Centre.

BA/MPH Biochemistry and Global Health

Dan Flanagan volunteered in Durban, South Africa this summer with the HIV/AIDS and Public Health program of Child Family Health International, a non-profit organization that facilitates community-partnered global health internships for students. The KwaZulu Natal province of South Africa is home to the largest HIV/AIDS epidemic in the world and is a major aspect of the health care system and challenges in South Africa. As a combined BA/MPH student in Biochemistry (B.A.) and Global Health (M.P.H.) with a minor in African Studies, this program combined Dan’s academic interests into one extremely rewarding and culminating experience. Before traveling to South Africa, Dan studied Zulu for two years through the African Studies Center and worked with Partners In Health Engage (an HIV/AIDS and public health awareness group on campus). In July, he rotated around several local clinics and regional hospitals, shadowing doctors in a clinical setting and learning the ins and outs of the South African health care system. During the month of August, he worked at the Blue Roof Wellness Center, a comprehensive HIV/AIDS clinic in Wentworth – an area of Durban with a 42% HIV prevalence. Dan is now developing a small research project for the Blue Roof clinic to investigate the relationship between the distances patients travel to the clinic and their proper adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART), with the hopes of identifying key areas where health care access and education is lacking amongst their patient population.

The HIV/AIDS and Public Health program Da participated in was through an organization called a Child Family Health International (CFHI). They run their programs all year long and are constantly accepting new applications! Students interested in learning more about the different programs they offer can go to their website: www.cfhi.org