Pardee Works: Alumnus Michael B. Greenwald on National Security and International Finance

  • Starts11:00 am on Thursday, September 14, 2017
  • Ends12:00 pm on Thursday, September 14, 2017

Join BU alumnus Michael B. Greenwald (MA IR, 2007; JD, 2010) for a chat about his experiences in US government service and his diplomatic work in the field of international finance. Greenwald was the first US Treasury Attaché appointed to Qatar and Kuwait, where he led the Treasury Department’s efforts to ensure macroeconomic and financial stability and to combat illicit finance. Prior to his appointment in the Middle East, Greenwald served as the US Treasury Policy Advisor for Europe within the Office of Terrorism and Financial Crimes. Greenwald is now a Senior Vice President of Tiedemann Wealth Management

Coffee and tea provided.

Limited seating available, registration required. To register, email

Eilts Conference Room, 2nd Floor of 154 Bay State Road

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