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There are 4 comments on Fire Safety, Off Campus and On

  1. September is National Campus Fire Safety Month and Massachusetts is doing a statewide campaign, “Smoke Alarms and Two Ways Out – Best Roommates Evah!” Check out the video featuring the Boston fire fighters who responded to the 2013 fire that claimed the life of Binland Lee talking about how important it is to have working smoke alarms and to know two ways out.

  2. Hey Boston landlords: If you expect tenants to be responsible for testing their own smoke/CO2 detectors and replacing batteries, stop putting the things on the ceiling out of reach of anyone who doesn’t have a stepladder.

    An apartment I looked at renting two years ago had a smoke detector mounted directly above the gas stove in the kitchen, in a kitchen alcove with absolutely no venting. I am 100% certain that whoever rented that apartment would have had to disable that detector or go insane while cooking. “That’s where the ceiling wiring goes” is not an acceptable excuse, and yet that building owner is still in business today!

  3. Hey just make sure to be careful. We do not need anymore people dying in the world. There is just to much hatred and no more love. I love the world just not how everyone is treating it.

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