The majority of sensitive information at BU is stored on servers. Information Security provides a number of services to help ensure that servers are set up and maintained securely.
- Contact Information Security for security hardening guidelines and consulting when setting up a new system or making significant changes to a system. Protect your system from risk of accidental loss, unauthorized access, theft or malicious destruction and ensure you are meeting the requirements of University policy, industry best practices, and the law
- Protect communication with your server by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates to establish secure connections and protect sensitive information in transmission by encrypting it using HTTPS (secure web browsing connection) and SFTP (secure file transfer).
- Protect your system against unauthorized changes using our File Integrity Monitoring solution, “Baseline”. Baseline monitors a system’s file systems and alerts you if new files are added of if a file changes that isn’t supposed to. This can provide you early warning if a hacker or other unauthorized person is changing your system.
- Leverage our vulnerability scanning services to discover vulnerabilities and prioritize their remediation based on relative risk. New vulnerabilities are discovered every day, so a server that was secure yesterday may not be secure tomorrow.
- Monitor access to your files and folders using our Access management and Data Loss Prevention solution. This service provides a suite of tools for monitoring and managing permissions, discovering sensitive data and auditing access to data on file servers.
- Maintain a protected copy of your system logs using our Log Monitoring & Analytics service. This allows administrators to securely store and search logs from multiple systems through a single pane of glass using an intuitive interface and aids in identification and investigation of anomalous activity on the University network.
The "Baseline" file integrity monitoring system alerts you when changes occur on your system, providing you early notice of possibly unauthorized changes.... more »
Log Monitoring & Analytics, commonly implemented in a Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM) tool, uses correlation rules and machine learning algorithms to provide real time analysis of system and application logs aggregated from multiple sources across campus.... more »
This service provides file system access management, auditing, and data discovery/classification service.... more »
Vulnerability management helps protect University data, minimizes unplanned downtime, and mitigates the risk of accidental loss, unauthorized access, theft, or malicious destruction.... more »