If you have pages in your static content (non-WordPress) site that will no longer be used, or pages that have been moved to a new location, the following steps describe how you can automatically redirect users to new pages.

One option is to add a meta redirect tag to each of your old pages. In your HTML code within each page, insert the meta tag immediately after the <head> tag, for example:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN”>

<meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”0; URL=/webcentral/learning/html/basics/document-description.html”>

The content=”0; attribute in that meta tag specifies how many seconds to wait before redirecting the user. Since it is set to 0, the user would be directed immediately. To display the page for a short amount of time, telling users that the page has moved, and to update their bookmarks or favorites, change content=”0; to content=”5; or content=”10;, for five seconds, or ten seconds, respectively.

You can also contact IS&T to ask for help redirecting pages, especially if you need to redirect an entire site.

Always contact the IT Help Center when retiring or moving an entire site.