NERCOMP, the Northeast Regional Computing Program, is an affiliate of EDUCAUSE. NERCOMP describes itself on its website as follows:

NERCOMP ‘s mission is to enhance the communication and dissemination of information related to the use of computers, networks and information technology in education, academic research and educational administration throughout the northeastern United States.

NERCOMP enables the informed use of information technology by providing affordable access to educational opportunities, software licensing discount programs, professional networking and collaborative opportunities to its Member network.

IS&T maintains an institutional membership on behalf of Boston University, allowing members of the BU community to take advantage of NERCOMP membership benefits and discounts.

Available To Students, Faculty, Staff Benefits Faculty, students, and staff have affordable access to a wide variety of SIG (Special Interest Group) workshops and the Annual Conference at a discounted member rate. Key Features

  • Participate in SIGs offered by NERCOMP at a reduced rate.
  • Participate in many topic oriented mailing lists.

Requirements Access is given by constituency. Cost No charge Getting Started Visit the NERCOMP site for additional information and details on upcoming programs.