
Kilachand Hall Renovation Receives LEED Gold

Originally built as the Hotel Sheraton in 1923 and converted into a dormitory in 1954, Boston University’s Kilachand Hall recently received LEED© Gold certification through the U.S. Green Building Council.   More

Your Guide to Demystifying Recycling at BU

You may wonder, “Why does this item with a recycling symbol not go into the recycling bin?” Or “I didn’t realize this could be recycled.” It can be confusing, but we are here to help demystify recycling and help you better sort your waste. More

Boston University Earns STARS Gold

Boston University has earned a STARS Gold rating in recognition of its sustainability achievements from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). More

Sun-Kissed Sustainability: Embrace a Greener Summer Glow

With it officially being summer, now is the perfect time to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle. There are so many new things you can integrate into your life to be more environmentally friendly and enjoy the summertime to its fullest potential.  More