Stop Payment and Reissued Check Requests

Checks that have been lost or stolen or that have not been cashed within 120 days of issue may be reissued. Students will have reissued checks mailed to them at the address currently on file for them in the payroll system.  This will be the home address for domestic students or the local address for international students.

Stop payment must be processed for lost or stolen checks. Use the reissued check procedure only if the student still has the original check.

To request a reissued check(s):
  1. Verify the mailing address on file by going to BUWorks Central Portal  > Employee Self Service > Personal Information > Addresses. If the mailing address is invalid and/or out of date, change accordingly.
    • Click here for an instructional video on changing your address in payroll.

  2. Identify the check(s) which need to be reissued. All check information can be found on BUWorks Central Portal > Employee Self-Service > Pay > Salary Statement for each individual check that needs to be reissued. Please check the example here for where you can find the check information needed to fill out the form. The information required is as follows:
    • Employee name
    • Employee number (BUID number)
    • Check date (date the check was issued)
    • Check number
    • Check amount

      If you are reissuing multiple checks, there is space on the form for up to four separate check numbers. Make sure the check dates are in chronological order, and that they match up to the check numbers listed. You will need to submit the form as many times as needed in batches of four checks at a time.

  3. Fill out and submit the Stop Payment/Reissue Check Request Form to Student Payroll.

    Processing may take up to 2 weeks. Boston University staff must confirm check payments have not been cashed before completing a stop payment request.

    Please note, payments can only be processed in the original method they were disbursed. Reissued checks can not be processed as direct deposit.

    DISCLAIMER: Boston University will not reimburse employees for any bank penalties incurred when attempting to cash a stale dated or cancelled check. Before deposit check payments, please verify the check is valid by accessing your salary statement