Category: Thoughtful Eating

Nutritional ABCs

Actually, the ABCs of nutrition are the CPFs: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. These are the three basic macronutrients that all foods are made of. Any of these nutrients can provide energy, but your body responds to them in different ways. Foods contain micronutrients too, the vitamins and minerals essential to health and body processes. And […]

Top 5 Ways to Eat Smart

1. Give your brain the steady supply of glucose it needs all day long by including a nutrient-rich carbohydrate source (fruit, vegetable, or whole grain) with your meals and snacks. Their natural fiber package is the original time-release capsule. We’ve made this easy with our 1+2+3 solutions. 2. Balance out the high levels of Omega-6 […]

Water: A Key Food Ingredient

Want more food for fewer calories? Check out the water content of what you’re eating. Ever consider that a teeny chocolate truffle contains more calories than an entire head of lettuce? For most people, it’s not hard to eat a box of crackers in one sitting but it’s pretty difficult to consume a whole bag […]

Meal Planning 1+2+3

Looking to eat more healthfully? With a simple meal planning approach, eating right can become easier.  Once you understand basic nutrients and how your body responds to them, you can plan what you eat based on when you’ll eat next. Let’s say you have a 3-hour lab each week. Last week, you had a Sargent […]

Thoughtful Eating

How often do you practice thoughtful eating? Although we wouldn’t be able to function without food, it lands on the bottom of our to do lists all too frequently.  Then, we are left to go hungry or choose whatever is available nearby – often settling for something that’s less than nutritious. So many of the […]

Understanding Processed Foods

Never before has the American supermarket—or the average American—contained so many processed foods.  From tortilla chips to frozen entrees, these foods can be convenient and tasty. Some are easy to carry and eat on the run, others require little or no preparation, and all are available practically everywhere. Processed foods are hybrids of ingredients that […]

Is it hunger . . . or something else?

Physical hunger is a powerful drive. Sometimes, hunger can be so intense that it leads to overeating of energy-dense foods. Ever notice that you crave pizza or fast food when you haven’t eaten all day? The last thing you want at that moment is an apple or salad.  Becoming crazy hungry is often the downfall […]

Making the Most of Elective Calories

Sometimes a plate of French fries or brownie sundae is exactly what you want.  It may not be nutritious, but it gives you something else that you need.  That’s exactly what elective calories should be for you – A really satisfying and pleasurable treat. Why is thoughtful eating so important here?  Because today’s food environment […]