Clinical Professor and Chair, Department of Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences | Program Director, Master of Science in SLP
Education:B.A. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1981
M.A. University of California, Santa Barbara, 1985
Ph.D. University of California, Santa Barbara, 1988
Pediatric language disorders with special interests in language analysis and preschool language intervention.
Courses Taught
Language Sampling Analysis
Preschool Language Disorders
Clinical Reasoning: Case Studies
Clinical Reasoning: Advanced Case Studies
Selected Publications and Presentations
Howland, K., Mentis, M. & Graham, M. (2018). Strategies to Improve Expressive Language Skills in Preschool Children with Language Disorders. Podium presentation at the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association Convention, Boston MA.
Slater, C. & Mentis, M. (2018). Implementation of an Interprofessional Education Curriculum mapped to the IPEC (2016) Core Competencies. Podium presentation at the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association Convention, Boston MA.
MacLellan, L., Cler, G., Fager, S., Mentis, M., Stepp, C. (2018). Evaluating Camera Mouse as a computer access system for AAC: A Caste Study. Podium presentation at the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association Convention, Boston MA.
Bankson, N., Mentis, M., & Jagielko, J. (2017). Bankson Expressive Language Test – 3rd Edition: BELT-3. Austin, Texas: Pro-Ed, Inc.
Mentis, M., Howland, K., & Graham, M. (2017). Increasing effectiveness in LSA: Customizing SALT to provide more useful syntactic information for preschool children. Poster session presented at the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association Convention, Los Angeles, CA.
Mentis, M., Howland, K., & Graham, M. (2016). An Intensive Summer Preschool Language Intervention Program: Development and Implementation. Podium presentation at the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
Mentis, M., Gavett, E., Constantino, D., & Strand, K. (2014). Requiring Interviews for admission to an MS-SLP Program. Poster session presented at the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association Convention, Orlando, FL
Mentis, M. (2013). Language Formulation Problems and the ICF: A Case Example. Poster session presented at the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association Convention, Chicago, IL.
Mentis, M. (2012). Language Impairment in Selective Mutism: A Case Study. Poster session presented at the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Mentis, M. (2011). Profiles of Language Difficulty in Internationally Adopted Children. Poster session presented at the American Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention, San Diego, CA.
Mentis, M. (2005). Language Disorders: Causes, Risk Factors, and Predictors of Need for Evaluation and Intervention. FCC New England Speech and Language Workshop, Boston, MA.
Mentis, M. Abele, E. & Gavett, E. (1999). Pragmatic Profiles in School-Aged Children with Asperger’s syndrome. Poster session presented at American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.
Mentis, M. (1998). In Utero Cocaine Exposure and Language Development. Seminars in Speech and Language: Prenatal Cocaine Exposure, 19, 147-165.
Mentis, M., Hargrave, J., Gavett, E., & Millen, M. (1998). Effectiveness of a Functionally-Based Language Enrichment Program. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX.
Fong, H. & Mentis, M. (1998). Time Course of Cognitive Activation in Picture Naming. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX.
Mentis, M., Hargrave, J., & Gavett, E. (1998). A Functionalist Approach to Language Intervention. Guest Speakers, Newton Public Schools, Newton, MA.
Mentis, M. & Lundgren K. (1997). Language and Play Development in Drug-Exposed Children: Further Data. American Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
Mentis, M., Hargrave, J., Gavett, E., & Millen, M. (1997). Effectiveness of a Language Enrichment Program in Three Kindergarten Classrooms. American Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
Diamond, S. & Mentis, M. (1997). Word Naming in Moderately Head-Injured Adults.American Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
Mentis, M. (1997). Effects of In-Utero Exposure to Cocaine and Associated Risk Factors on Language Development. International Congress: Pediatrics in the Community – 2000+, Israel Ambulatory Pediatric Association, Jerusalem, Israel.
Lundgren, K. & Mentis, M. (1996). Effects of Multiple Risk Factors Including Prenatal Cocaine-Exposure on Exploratory Play. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Seattle.
Mentis, M. & Lundgren, K. (1995). Effects of prenatal exposure to cocaine and associated risk factors on language development. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 6, 1303-1318.
Mentis, M., Briggs-Whittaker, J. & Graminga, G.D. (1995). Discourse topic management in senile dementia of the Alzheimer’s type. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 5, 1054-1066.
Mentis, M. (1994). Topic management in discourse: Assessment and intervention. Topics in Language Disorders, 14:3, 29-54.
Mentis, M., Diamond, S., & Reed, L. (1994). Effects of lead exposure on language development. Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Mentis, M., Bankson, N., & Plamondon, J. (1994). Phonological development in children prenatally exposed to cocaine. Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Diamond, S. & Mentis, M. (1994). Discourse cohesion in the conversational speech of three aphasic individuals. Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Diamond, S. & Mentis, M. (1994). Language and cognitive deficits following mild head injury. Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Fong, H. & Mentis, M. (1994). A preliminary analysis of language in AIDS Dementia Complex. Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Lundgren K., & Mentis, M. (1994). Effects of prenatal cocaine-exposure on symbolic play development. Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Mentis, M., & Lundgren, K. (1993). Effects of maternal cocaine use on language development. Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Anaheim, CA.
Mentis, M., Whittaker, J., & Graminga, G. (1993). Discourse topic management in Alzheimer’s disease. Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Anaheim, CA.
Mentis, M. (1991). Discourse topic management in normal and language-impaired children. Journal of Childhood Communication Disorders, 14, 45-66.
Mentis, M. & Prutting, C.A. (1991). Analysis of topic as illustrated in a head-injured and normal adult. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 34, 583-595.
Mentis, M. & Thompson, S.A. (1991). Discourse: A means for understanding normal and disordered language. In T.M. Gallagher (Ed.),Pragmatics of Language: Clinical Practice Issues(p 199-227). San Diego: Singular Publishing Group.
Skarakis-Doyle, E. & Mentis, M. (1991). A discourse approach to language disorders. Investigating complex sentence production. In T.M. Gallagher (Ed.), Pragmatics of Language: Clinical Practice Issues(p 283-306). San Diego: Singular Publishing Group.
Skarakis-Doyle, E., Fredeen, L., & Mentis, M. (1991). A pragmatic perspective on complex sentence production in a LD child. Canada Speech Language Pathology and Audiology Conference.
Mentis, M. (1991). Discourse topic management in head-injured adults. Massachusetts General Hospital Behavioral Neurology/Neuropsychology Rounds, Boston.
Prutting, C.A., Mentis, M. & Zitzer, C.A. (1990). Philosophy of Science: A template for understanding our science. Language Sciences, 12, 379-392.
Mentis, M. (1990). Review of “Language Disorders and Language Development” by Margaret Lahey. Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics, 11, 224-227.
Mentis, M. (1990). Analysis of topic: Illustrated in a head-injured and normal adult. Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Seattle.
Mentis, M. (1990). Understanding discourse analysis: Overview and implications for assessment and intervention. Mini-seminar, Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Seattle.
Prutting, C.A., Mentis, M. & Nelson, P. (1989). Critique of Siegel: The limits of science in communication disorders. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 54, 299-300.
Mentis, M. (1989). A multidimensional approach to the assessment and treatment of language disorders. Guest speaker, Eleventh Annual Communication Disorders Conference, Boston.
Mentis, M. (1989). Discourse analysis in children. Colloquium, University of Maine.
Mentis, M. (1989). Linguistic analysis. Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Mentis, M. (1989). Topic management in the discourse of head-injured adults. Applied Linguistics Colloquia, Boston University.
Mentis, M. & Prutting, C.A. (1987). Cohesion in the discourse of normal and head injured adults. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 30, 88-98.
Koegel, R.L. & Mentis, M. (1985). Motivation in childhood autism: Can they or won’t they? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 26, 185-191.
Mentis, M. (1985). Cohesion in the discourse of normal and head-injured adults. Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Washington, D.C.
Grant Activity
National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, “Effects of Maternal Cocaine Use on Language Development,” 1993-1995 (Principal Investigator: Michelle Mentis).
Boston University Dudley Allen Sargent Research Fund: “Effects of Lead Exposure on Language Development,” 1993-1994.
Awards and Honors
Named Fellow of the American American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2019)
Faculty Award of Merit, Sargent College (2019)
Award of Merit, Sargent College (1998)
Licenses and Certifications
Certification of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Board Certified Specialist in Child Language and Language Disorders, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Massachusetts State License in Speech-Language Pathology
Task Force Member, Critical Thinking as a Knowledge and Skill for Professional Practice, Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders (2016–2019)
Site Visitor, Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (2016–2019)
Member, American Speech, Language and Hearing Association