• Education:B.A. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1981
    M.A. University of California, Santa Barbara, 1985
    Ph.D. University of California, Santa Barbara, 1988
  • Phone:617-353-7480

Scholarly, Research, and/or Practice Interests

  • Pediatric language disorders with special interests in language analysis and preschool language intervention.

Courses Taught

  • Language Sampling Analysis
  • Preschool Language Disorders
  • Clinical Reasoning: Case Studies
  • Clinical Reasoning: Advanced Case Studies

Selected Publications and Presentations

  • Howland, K., Mentis, M. & Graham, M. (2018). Strategies to Improve Expressive Language Skills in Preschool Children with Language Disorders. Podium presentation at the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association Convention, Boston MA.
  • Slater, C. & Mentis, M. (2018). Implementation of an Interprofessional Education Curriculum mapped to the IPEC (2016) Core Competencies. Podium presentation at the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association Convention, Boston MA.
  • MacLellan, L., Cler, G., Fager, S., Mentis, M., Stepp, C. (2018). Evaluating Camera Mouse as a computer access system for AAC: A Caste Study. Podium presentation at the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association Convention, Boston MA.
  • Bankson, N., Mentis, M., & Jagielko, J. (2017). Bankson Expressive Language Test – 3rd Edition: BELT-3. Austin, Texas: Pro-Ed, Inc.
  • Mentis, M., Howland, K., & Graham, M. (2017). Increasing effectiveness in LSA: Customizing SALT to provide more useful syntactic information for preschool children. Poster session presented at the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association Convention, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Mentis, M., Howland, K., & Graham, M. (2016). An Intensive Summer Preschool Language Intervention Program: Development and Implementation. Podium presentation at the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Mentis, M., Gavett, E., Constantino, D., & Strand, K. (2014). Requiring Interviews for admission to an MS-SLP Program.  Poster session presented at the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association Convention, Orlando, FL
  • Mentis, M. (2013).  Language Formulation Problems and the ICF:  A Case Example.  Poster session presented at the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association Convention, Chicago, IL.
  • Mentis, M. (2012). Language Impairment in Selective Mutism: A Case Study.  Poster session presented at the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association Convention, Atlanta, GA.
  • Mentis, M. (2011).  Profiles of Language Difficulty in Internationally Adopted Children.  Poster session presented at the American Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention, San Diego, CA.
  • Mentis, M. (2005). Language Disorders:  Causes, Risk Factors, and Predictors of Need for Evaluation and Intervention.  FCC New England Speech and Language Workshop, Boston, MA.
  • Mentis, M. Abele, E. & Gavett, E.  (1999).  Pragmatic Profiles in School-Aged Children with Asperger’s syndrome.  Poster session presented at American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.
  • Mentis, M. (1998).  In Utero Cocaine Exposure and Language Development.  Seminars in Speech and Language:  Prenatal Cocaine Exposure, 19, 147-165.
  • Mentis, M., Hargrave, J., Gavett, E., & Millen, M.  (1998).  Effectiveness of a Functionally-Based Language Enrichment Program.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX.
  • Fong, H. & Mentis, M. (1998).  Time Course of Cognitive Activation in Picture Naming.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX.
  • Mentis, M., Hargrave, J., & Gavett, E.  (1998).  A Functionalist Approach to Language Intervention.  Guest Speakers, Newton Public Schools, Newton, MA.
  • Mentis, M. & Lundgren K.  (1997).   Language and Play Development in Drug-Exposed Children:  Further Data.  American Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
  • Mentis, M., Hargrave, J., Gavett, E., & Millen, M.  (1997).  Effectiveness of a Language Enrichment Program in Three Kindergarten Classrooms.  American Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
  • Diamond, S. & Mentis, M. (1997).  Word Naming in Moderately Head-Injured Adults. American Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
  • Mentis, M. (1997).  Effects of In-Utero Exposure to Cocaine and Associated Risk Factors on Language Development.  International Congress:  Pediatrics in the Community – 2000+, Israel Ambulatory Pediatric Association, Jerusalem, Israel.
  • Lundgren, K. & Mentis, M. (1996).  Effects of Multiple Risk Factors Including Prenatal Cocaine-Exposure on Exploratory Play.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Seattle.
  • Mentis, M. & Lundgren, K. (1995).  Effects of prenatal exposure to cocaine and associated risk factors on language development.  Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 6, 1303-1318.
  • Mentis, M., Briggs-Whittaker, J. & Graminga, G.D. (1995).  Discourse topic management in senile dementia of the Alzheimer’s type.  Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 5, 1054-1066.
  • Mentis, M. (1994).  Topic management in discourse:  Assessment and intervention.  Topics in Language Disorders, 14:3, 29-54.
  • Mentis, M., Diamond, S., & Reed, L. (1994).  Effects of lead exposure on language development.  Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
  • Mentis, M., Bankson, N., & Plamondon, J. (1994).  Phonological development in children prenatally exposed to cocaine.  Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
  • Diamond, S. & Mentis, M. (1994).  Discourse cohesion in the conversational speech of three aphasic individuals.  Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
  • Diamond, S. & Mentis, M. (1994).  Language and cognitive deficits following mild head injury.  Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
  • Fong, H. & Mentis, M. (1994).  A preliminary analysis of language in AIDS Dementia Complex.  Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
  • Lundgren K., & Mentis, M. (1994).  Effects of prenatal cocaine-exposure on symbolic play development.  Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
  • Mentis, M., & Lundgren, K. (1993).  Effects of maternal cocaine use on language development.  Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Anaheim, CA.
  • Mentis, M., Whittaker, J., & Graminga, G. (1993).  Discourse topic management in Alzheimer’s disease.  Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Anaheim, CA.
  • Mentis, M. (1991).  Discourse topic management in normal and language-impaired children.  Journal of Childhood Communication Disorders, 14, 45-66.
  • Mentis, M. & Prutting, C.A. (1991).  Analysis of topic as illustrated in a head-injured and normal adult.  Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 34, 583-595.
  • Mentis, M. & Thompson, S.A. (1991).  Discourse:  A means for understanding normal and disordered language.  In T.M. Gallagher (Ed.),Pragmatics of Language:  Clinical Practice Issues(p 199-227).  San Diego:  Singular Publishing Group.
  • Skarakis-Doyle, E. & Mentis, M. (1991).  A discourse approach to language disorders.  Investigating complex sentence production.  In T.M. Gallagher (Ed.), Pragmatics of Language:  Clinical Practice Issues(p 283-306).  San Diego:  Singular Publishing Group.
  • Skarakis-Doyle, E., Fredeen, L., & Mentis, M. (1991).  A pragmatic perspective on complex sentence production in a LD child.  Canada Speech Language Pathology and Audiology Conference.
  • Mentis, M. (1991).  Discourse topic management in head-injured adults.  Massachusetts General Hospital Behavioral Neurology/Neuropsychology Rounds, Boston.
  • Prutting, C.A., Mentis, M. & Zitzer, C.A. (1990).  Philosophy of Science:  A template for understanding our science.  Language Sciences, 12, 379-392.
  • Mentis, M. (1990).  Review of “Language Disorders and Language Development” by Margaret Lahey.  Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics, 11, 224-227.
  • Mentis, M. (1990).  Analysis of topic:  Illustrated in a head-injured and normal adult.  Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Seattle.
  • Mentis, M. (1990).  Understanding discourse analysis:  Overview and implications for assessment and intervention.  Mini-seminar, Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Seattle.
  • Prutting, C.A., Mentis, M. & Nelson, P. (1989).  Critique of Siegel:  The limits of science in communication disorders. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 54, 299-300.
  • Mentis, M. (1989).  A multidimensional approach to the assessment and treatment of language disorders.  Guest speaker, Eleventh Annual Communication Disorders Conference, Boston.
  • Mentis, M. (1989).  Discourse analysis in children.  Colloquium, University of Maine.
  • Mentis, M. (1989).  Linguistic analysis.  Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada.
  • Mentis, M. (1989).  Topic management in the discourse of head-injured adults.  Applied Linguistics Colloquia, Boston University.
  • Mentis, M. & Prutting, C.A. (1987).  Cohesion in the discourse of normal and head injured adults.  Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 30, 88-98.
  • Koegel, R.L. & Mentis, M. (1985).  Motivation in childhood autism:  Can they or won’t they?  Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 26, 185-191.
  • Mentis, M. (1985).  Cohesion in the discourse of normal and head-injured adults.  Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Washington, D.C.

Grant Activity

  • National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, “Effects of Maternal Cocaine Use on Language Development,” 1993-1995 (Principal Investigator: Michelle Mentis).
  • Boston University Dudley Allen Sargent Research Fund: “Effects of Lead Exposure on Language Development,” 1993-1994.

Awards and Honors

  • Named Fellow of the American American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2019)
  • Faculty Award of Merit, Sargent College (2019)
  • Award of Merit, Sargent College (1998)

Licenses and Certifications

  • Certification of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
  • Board Certified Specialist in Child Language and Language Disorders, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
  • Massachusetts State License in Speech-Language Pathology


  • Task Force Member, Critical Thinking as a Knowledge and Skill for Professional Practice, Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders (2016–2019)
  • Site Visitor, Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (2016–2019)
  • Member, American Speech, Language and Hearing Association

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