Executive Offices of the BU Division of Military Education

Mission Statement of the BU Division of Military Education

Boston University’s Division of Military Education is entrusted with overseeing the military education of over 250 students enrolled at Boston University or one of our seventeen ROTC partner institutions of higher learning as these cadets and midshipmen prepare to become commissioned officers in the U.S. Armed Services. 

In the heart of Boston, in service to the nation.

Save the Date

  • The Military Ball on Saturday, 22 February 2025:  BU’s Division of Military Education will be hosting the annual Military Ball for all cadets and midshipmen and their guests on 22 Feb. on the BU campus.  Pardee Prof. Jack Weinstein (Lieutenant General, USAF, Retired) will be our keynote speaker and BU President Melissa Gilliam will be in attendance.  BU veterans and veterans from our partner institutions are especially encouraged to join us for this formal event.  Please contact Prof. John Woodward at jdwjr@bu.edu for details.

  • “Modernizing the Nuclear Triad” Presentation on Thursday, March 6, 2025:    Special presentation by Major General Stacy Jo Huser (Commander, 20th Air Force, Air Force Global Strike Command) on modernizing the nuclear triad.  Organized by Professor Jack Weinstein (Lieutenant General, USAF, Retired) and Prof. Sanne Verschuren.  This event will be from 5:00-6:30 pm at 121 Bay State Road. Click here to register.

  • Russo-Japanese War Conference on Wednesday. 9 April 2025:  The BU Division of Military Education is pleased to co-sponsor a special one-day conference:

    A 120-Year Retrospective:

    The Russo-Japanese War and Treaty of Portsmouth with Implications for Today.

    Organized by Asian scholar, Dr. Grant Rhode, this event will bring 25 leading experts to Boston University to discuss the Russo-Japanese War and assess its lasting impact.

    This conference is free and open to the public.  Join us on Wednesday, April 9, 2025, from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM at Boston University’s Kilachand Conference Room (First Floor), 91 Bay State Road

    The draft conference agenda is available here.

Current Announcements

  • U.S. Navy Names Ship for Megan McClung (MET ’06):   On 16 January 2025, Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro announced USS McClung (LSM 1) as the name for the first ship in the new McClung-class of medium landing ships.  Secretary Del Toro said “I am honored to name the first ship in this class after Major Megan McClung, a selfless leader and hero who embodied the highest ideals of service, honor, and loyalty to our nation.”

    This naming honors Public Affairs Officer Major Megan M.L. McClung, USMC, (MET ’06) who was killed in action while serving in Iraq in 2006.  Megan received a master’s degree in criminal justice from BU in 2006.  The excerpt below is from a tribute published in Bostonia, 23 May 2024.

    Megan McClung grew up in a Marine Corps family in Mission Viejo, Calif., and received her officer’s commission from the US Naval Academy in 1995. She left active duty in 2004 and went to Iraq as a private contractor. In 2006, she returned to Iraq as a Marine. That year, she completed her online master’s degree program in criminal justice at BU’s Metropolitan College. According to MET, most of her schoolwork was done in a war zone. She was also a hardcore marathon runner and finished six Ironman competitions.

    McClung was assigned to the Marine Expeditionary Force Headquarters Group, Camp Pendleton, in California. She died on December 6, 2006, while supporting combat operations in the Al Anbar Governorate province in Iraq.

    The US Naval Institute’s magazine Proceedings refers to her as the first female Marine officer to be killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom, as well as the first female graduate of the US Naval Academy to be killed in action since the college was founded in 1845.

    Her awards include the Bronze Star Medal, the Purple Heart, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, and the National Defense Service Medal.

    In May 2007, McClung’s parents attended what would have been her BU Commencement ceremony. That weekend, MET announced a scholarship fund in her name and memory to support students in the online Criminal Justice Program. It is awarded annually to students who exemplify McClung’s academic excellence, strong citizenship and character, and desire to make a meaningful contribution to society.

    “Megan served with the mindset of running to the sound of battle, not away from it,” said her former colleague and classmate Colonel Riccoh Player, in an interview with Proceedings. “She accepted every mission, every billet, every challenge with vigor, creative abandon and a find-a-way-to-make-a-way ethos.”

    A depiction of the McClung class of medium landing ships can be found here.

Past Fall 2024 Events

  • Fri., 01 Nov. for the Navy / Marine Corps Ball:  This celebratory event, full of tradition, took place on the BU campus.

  • Mon., 04 Nov. for a Special Military PresentationU.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel George Greanias of the National Intelligence University discussed “How the United States Fights Wars: The Impact of the Goldwater Nichols Act” with a reception following at Cornwall’s. 
    • Co-sponsors of his presentation included the Office of Military & Veteran Support at Boston College and BU’s International History Institute.  
    • This presentation was based on LTC Greanias’s PhD thesis, parts of which are summarized in this article published in War on the Rocks in Sept. 2023. 

  • Mon., 11 Nov. for Veterans’ Day Activities:
    • 09:00-09:45 am:  Veterans’ Day Breakfast:  Thanks to BU Development & Alumni Relations for sponsoring this event of fellowship.  
    • 10:30-11:30 am:  Veterans’ Day Memorial Service at Marsh Chapel:  Darrell Blocker, the former Deputy Director of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center and an Air Force veteran, was be the keynote speaker.
    • 2:30-3:30 pm:  Darrell Blocker discussed “Intelligence and Policymakers: Observations of an Operations Officer,” from 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm at 121 Bay State Road.  Co-sponsors included the BU’s International History Institute.  
    • 5:00-7:00 pm:  Mil Ed hosted a Veterans’ Social at Fuller’s BU Pub.  Thank you BU President Melissa Gilliam for sopending time with our cadets and midshipmen.

  • Tues., 12 Nov. for Career Presentation:
    • 08:30 am – 09:30 am:  Darrell Blocker discussed “Careers in the Intelligence Community” at the Pardee School.  This event was sponsored by the Pardee School of Global Studies. 
    • 2:30-3:30 pm:  Darrell visited with veterans and students at UMass Boston, where he gave a presentation and was hosted to a reception by the Student Veterans’ Center.


The Division of Military Education Salutes the Tuskegee Airmen

Enjoy rare photographs of the Tuskegee Airmen of World War II fame in the presentation to the right.  The late Kenneth L. Janey served as a wartime photographer stationed in Italy with the Tuskegee Airmen.  His son, David, a BU administrator, has kindly made his father’s photographs available for viewing in the sidebar PowerPoint presentation.  Enoch Woodhouse (BU Law, Class of 1955) is one of the last surviving Tuskegee Airmen.  A native Bostonian, “Woody” enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1944 at the age of 17 years.  In August 2024, we were honored to have him as our guest of honor at the BU ROTC start-of-the-semester BBQ.

Past Announcements

  • Thanks to Admiral Caudle:  The Division of Military Education wishes to thank Admiral Daryl Caudle, the Commander of Fleet Forces Command, who visited BU Naval ROTC to receive a briefing on the program from NROTC cadre and to meet with midshipmen to discuss current issues on 21 Nov.

  • Congratulations to Dr. Douglas Sears:  On October 19, 2024, Dr. Douglas A. Sears of Boston University received the Distinguished Public Service Award, which is the highest award a civilian can receive from the U.S. Department of Defense.  Previous recipients include President Barack Obama and the director, Steven Spielberg.

Dr. Sears served as the Chief of Staff to the BU President and as the Director of the BU Division of Military Education from 2011 to 2024.  As the Director of the Division of Military Education, Dr. Sears tirelessly oversaw the Army, Navy/Mrines and Air Force ROTC programs at BU and seventeen participating universities and colleges in the greater Boston area.  His unwavering dedication to the ROTC mission resulted in hundreds of cadets and midshipmen receiving first-rate training and educational preparation for their commissioning into the Armed Services.

Lieutenant General Joseph McGee (U.S. Army), the current Director for Strategy, Plans, and Policy on the Joint Staff at the Pentagon, presented Dr. Sears with the award at the BU Pass-in-Review ceremony at Nickerson Field, as Dr. Sears’s spouse, Mary, looked on.  Former BU President ad interim Ken Freeman, Associate Provost Maureen O’Rourke, Professor John Woodward, the current Military Education Director, and the three BU ROTC commanders were on hand to extend their congratulations.

  • Congratulations to General B. Chance Saltzman:  General Saltzman, a BU history and BU Air Force ROTC graduate (Class of 1991), received the CAS Distinguished Alumni Award at a ceremony at BU on 28 September 2024.  General Saltzman, a loyal Terrier, is the current Chief of Space Operations for the U.S. Space Force.  He is featured in the Summer 2024 edition of Bostonia available here.

  • Passing of Rear Admiral Danielle Barrett:  It is with great sadness that I report the loss of Rear Admiral Danielle Barrett, (USN Retired), who passed away on 26 August 2024. Rear Admiral Barrett graduated from BU with a degree in history and received her commission from BU NROTC in 1989.She spent her Navy career in a variety of challenging assignments, starting as a Surface Warfare Officer and eventually becoming a leader in cyber defense and information assurance.  She retired from the Navy in 2019.I had the privilege of knowing Rear Admiral Barrett. She visited BU on several occasions and served as the keynote speaker at a BU ROTC Navy commissioning ceremony that I attended.  We also were co-panelists at a national security conference.  Rear Admiral Barrett was extremely bright, thoughtful, considerate, and personable. A Navy trailblazer, she was a true Patriot and a loyal BU Terrier.Shortly before her passing, she arranged to establish a scholarship fund at BU to help NROTC students in financial need and asked that donations in her memory be directed there.  The scholarship fund link is listed in her obituary; donors should manually enter Admiral Barrett Scholarship in the comments section.— Prof. John Woodward, Director of the Division of Military Education.

  • Thanks to the Ancient & Honorables:  The Division of Military Education extends its thanks to the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston for hosting eight BU AF ROTC cadets to a special tour of their museum and a dinner at their impressive headquarters at Faneuil Hall on 16 September 2024.  The cadets enjoyed interacting with the AHAC members, many of whom are military veterans, and they learned a great deal about military history.

  • Save the Date for the ROTC/BU Veterans BBQ:  On Saturday, 31 August 2024, the Division of Military Education will host a Joint Services ROTC and BU Veterans barbeque to kick off the start of the Fall 2024 semester.
    • All cadets, midshipmen, and their family and friends as well as BU veterans (to include faculty, staff, and students) are invited to attend this free lunchtime event.
    • This year’s guests of honors include BU President Melissa L. Gilliam and our military guest of honor, Enoch Woodhouse (BU Law 1955), one of the last Tuskegee Airmen of World War II fame.
    • If you would like an invitation, please e-mail Jennifer Wilson at wilson12@bu.edu

  • Suffolk University is a New Military Education PartnerThe Division of Military Education warmly welcomes Suffolk University as a new Partner Institution of Higher Learning.  Suffolk is joining our Air Force ROTC program.

  • Congratulations to Newly-Commissioned Officers:  The Division of Military Education extends congratulates to our 48 newly-commissioned officers of the United States Armed Services.

    • 17 Air Force Second Lieutenants
    •   1 Space Force Second Lieutenant
    • 21 Army Second Lieutenants
    •   5 Navy Ensigns
    •   5 Marine Corps Second Lieutenants

  • GraduationThe Division of Military Education is especially proud to honor the 69 U.S. military veterans who will be graduating from BU on 19 May 2024.
  • Commissioning Ceremonies:  The Division of Military Education is pleased to announce the dates/times of the May 2024 commissioning ceremonies for our ROTC cadets and midshipmen.  Please note that these ceremonies are by invitation only.  If you would like an invitation, please contact the Director of the Division of Military Education or the respective ROTC unit commander.

    • Air Force:  Date/Time: Saturday, 18 May 2024, 400 pm–600 pm.
    • Army:  Date/Time: Monday, 20 May 2024, 1000 am–1200 pm.
    • Navy/Marine Corps:  Date/Time: Monday, 20 May 2024, 400 pm–600 pm.

  • Are You a BU Veteran?  The BU Division of Military Education cordially invites all BU-affiliated personnel who are military veterans to contact Prof. John Woodward, the Military Education Director, at jdwjr@bu.edu to be invited to future BU Veterans’ Socials.  Spouses, children, and friends of veterans are also welcome to join us.  Our thanks to BU Catering Executive Chef, Chris Graceffa, a U.S. Navy veteran, for coordinating and providing outstanding support for our inaugural BU Veterans Social held on 03 April 2024 at the BU Fuller’s Pub.

  • Tough Ruck:  On 14 April 2025, twenty BU Army ROTC cadets participated in the Tough Ruck,  a 26.2-mile ruck march in support of the Military Friends Foundation.  Each cadet completed the arduous race while carrying a minimum of 35 pounds in their rucksack.  We commend our cadets not only for their determination in completing the race but also for their remarkable fundraising efforts.  Together, they raised over $30,000, the third highest total amount for the event for our nation’s service members and first responders who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

  • Gettysburg Trip:  From 12-14 April 2024, 25 seniors from the Boston University Charles River Battalion Army ROTC traveled to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania to tour the historic Civil War battlefield as a part of their professional military education.  Prior to the trip, cadets were assigned aspects of the battle to research.  During the tour, each cadet delivered a briefing, highlighting the strategies and tactics employed during the battle.  The Division of Military Education thanks Mr. Frank Hadden, who provided generous financial support for the trip in memory of his late father, Major Frank L. Hadden, Jr., a class of 1950 BU Army ROTC alumnus.

  • DoD Guest Speaker:  The Division of Military Education thanks Mr. Guido Torres, a Department of Defense (DOD) official, for giving a presentation to BU students on DOD activities in support of allies in the SOUTHCOM region on 21 March 2024.  Mr. Torres provided a detailed explanation of Operation Jaque, which freed hostages in Columbia in 2008, and ongoing contingency planning efforts with respect to Haiti.

  • Joint Services Military Ball:  The Division of Military Education extends thanks to all of our cadets, midshipmen, cadre, MilEd staff, and guests who helped make the  annual Joint Services Military Ball on 24 Feb. 2024 an enjoyable evening of fellowship and camaraderie.

  • Undersecretary Visit to BU:  On 15 Feb. 2024, BU’s Division of Military Education hosted The Hon. Ashish Vazirani, the Acting Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, to a campus visit.  Military Education Director John Woodward, Pardee School Dean Scott Taylor, and Prof. Sanne Vershuren greeted Undersecretary Vazirani upon arrival.  He received in-depth briefings from each of the BU ROTC commanders – Captain Jack Houdeshell for Navy/Marine Corps ROTC, Lt. Col. Treavor Johnson for Air Force ROTC, and LTC Brian Hummel for Army ROTC.  Undersecretary Vazirani then met with cadets and midshipmen in the BU ROTC program to discuss their ROTC perspectives.  Our thanks to Undersecretary Vazirani for visiting with us and sharing insights.

  • Pershing Rifles HonorCongratulations to Catherine T. (Vadney) Sheridan (Boston University Army ROTC, CFA 1989) for being named to the Heritage List of the Pershing Rifles National Alumni Association.  She is currently the President of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority Bridges and Tunnels (Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority), the largest bridge and tunnel authority in the USA.  Cathy served as an officer in the U.S. Army’s Corps of Engineers, attaining the rank of Captain.


Office of the Director of the Division of Military Education

Director: John D. Woodward, Jr. Professor of the Practice, International Relations, Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies
Phone: 617-353-8978
Email: jdwjr@bu.edu

Interim Assistant to the Director:  Jennifer Wilson
Phone:  617-353-4025

Previous Directors

  • Dr. Douglas Sears (2012-2024)
  • Prof. H. Joachim Maitre (1993-2012)
  • Ambassador Hermann Eilts (1982-1993)

Military Education Faculty Committee

From the Archives


On 29 April 2022, Boston University honored the late William Francis Buckley, BU Class of 1955, with induction into its U.S. Army ROTC Hall of Fame.  Buckley, an Army combat veteran of Korea and Vietnam, was one of the CIA’s most highly decorated officers.  On a CIA assignment in Beirut, he died in the line of duty at the hands of Iranian-backed terrorists in 1985.


On 17 April 1999, during BU ROTC’s 80th Anniversary celebration, Ambassador Hermann Eilts (left), a U.S. Army WW2 veteran, and CAS Military Science Professor Fred Woerner, the former commander in chief of the U.S. Southern Command, unveiled the ROTC Alumni Memorial on Bay State Road.  (Photo by Vin Catania.)