IBC Training and Other Requirements
Training is a critical component of any integrated biological safety program. Training is intended to provide the understanding, technical knowledge, and tools that the trainee can use to improve his or her daily laboratory safety practices. Mandated general biosafety training is required for all laboratory workers (faculty, staff, students, and visiting scientists) at BU and BMC in addition to other requirements such as health clearances. The exact training and health clearance requirements for a particular person will depend on the hazards to which they are exposed.
All individuals listed on an active IBC protocol must complete the following training and health clearance requirements before engaging in any protocol related activities:
- Laboratory safety training (see below);
- ROHP health questionnaire; and
- Laboratory-specific training
All PIs listed on an active IBC protocol and all individuals listed on an active IBC protocol involving recombinant or synthetic nucleic acids must complete the following training before engaging in any protocol-related activities:
- IBC Policy / Recombinant DNA Training and Quiz
The IBC also requires that all investigators and their research personnel register with and annually update the Research Occupational Health Program.
In addition, new IBC proposals will require a BUA Site Assessment by Environmental Health and Safety Office.
Required Trainings
Laboratory Safety Training for Researchers
For researchers at both BUMC & CRC.
Laboratory safety training for researchers is now offered two ways: in the classroom and online. Personnel can choose to attend either. Both are accessed through SciShield platform.
Agent-Specific Training
For researchers at both BUMC & CRC working with hazardous biological agents.
The principal investigator (PI) is responsible for either conducting or ensuring this training is provided to members of his/her laboratory prior to an individual beginning work with hazardous biological agents. If the PI does not conduct the training, the Research Occupational Health Program (ROHP) may be requested to provide this training.
Topics covered by this training are subject to Institutional Biosafety Committee requirements. Complete initial health clearance forms by ROHP.
As of September 2019, following agent-specific trainings are available:
- Arenaviruses, Bunyaviruses and Paramyxoviruses
- Chikungunya Virus
- Dengue Virus
- Ebola and Marburg Virus
- Francisella tularensis
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Polio, Coxsackie, EV-D68, EV-D70 and EV-A71
- West Nile Virus
- Yersinia pestis
- Yellow Fever Virus
- Zika Virus
Biosafety Level-3 Training
For researchers at BUMC only, working in Biosafety Level 3 laboratories.
This training must be completed by all personnel (faculty, staff, animal technicians, students, trainees, visitors) who will work with BSL-3 agents. Topics that will be addressed include operations, required PPE, procedures, emergency management, and other required information.
Recombinant DNA/IBC Policies Training
All principal investigators with IBC protocols will be expected to complete this annual training and quiz as part of their yearly update process. The training is online and will take about an hour to complete.
Training applies for both BUMC & CRC.
Select Agent Training
For researchers at BUMC only, who are working with biological select agents or toxins, as required by the BU Select Agent program.
EHS provides Select Agent training upon request that must be completed by all personnel (faculty, staff, animal technicians, students, trainees, visitors) prior to receiving privileges to order, store, or use select agents. The training will cover topics including information on the hazards of specific select agents and the rules and regulations governing the use of these agents.
Laboratory Safety Training for Summer Programs
For students enrolled in summer programs at BUMC & CRC.
Boston University and Boston Medical Center often host summer programs that allow students to work in BU or BMC research or teaching laboratories. This training is customized to each program’s specific curriculum. Topics may include chemical and biological safety, fire and life safety, emergency management, waste management, and other information based on the program’s unique needs.
Other Training that May Be Required
Human Subjects Protection Training:
EHS Training:
Basic Radiation Safety Training
Laboratory Safety Coordinator Training
Laser Safety Training
Laser Safety Refresher Training
Principal Investigator Safety Training
Basic Radiation Training
Radiation Refresher Training
Safety and Infection Prevention Training
Shipping Biologicals
Complete these trainings in ScishieldLearn more on the EHS website.