Z. Justin Ren
Associate Professor, Operations and Technology Management
Department Chair, Operations and Technology Management
PhD, The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania, 2003
MS, The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania, 2001
MA, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1998
BS, Nanjing Agricultural University, China, 1995
Selected Research Presentations
Ren, Z. Build Resilience in Your Businesses: A Practical Guide, United Nations Global Impact: Introducing SPARK, Online, 2024
Ren, Z. Retooling the Economy for Digital and AI-Driven Supply Chains, Asian School Business, Malaysia, 2024
Ren, Z. Warehouse Logistics and the Supply Chain Landscape in the US: Where Do We Go From Here?, MIT, 2022
Wang, X., Ren, Z. (In Press). “De-Marketing Social Causes: Why Companies Shouldn’t Promote Social Causes on Social Media”, California Management Review (Fall 2021)
Zheng, S., Tucker, A., Ren, Z., Heineke, J., McLaughlin, A. (In Press). “The Impact of Internal Service Quality on Nurse Inefficiency and Medical Errors”, SSRN Electronic Journal
Jermain, D., Pilcher, R., Ren, Z., Berardi, E. (2024). “Coal in the 21st century: Industry transformation and transition justice in the phaseout of coal-as-fuel and the phase-in of coal as multi-asset resource platforms”, Energy and Climate Change, 5 100142-100142
Ren, Z., Jermain, d., Pilcher, R. (2023). “Coal in the 21st century: Meeting Sustainable Development Goals and Managing Investor Expectations”, United Nations (UN) Economic and Social Council
Jermain, D., Ren, Z., Foster, S., Pilcher, R., Berardi, E. (2022). “Coal in the 21st century: Integrating policy with practice for just transitions”, The Electricity Journal, 35 (10), 107220-107220
Ren, Z. (2022). A Study of the Semiconductor Equipment Supply Chain in the 2000s.”Creating Values with Operations and Analytics A Tribute to the Contributions of Professor Morris Cohen”, Springer Nature
Ren, Z., Wang, X. (2020). “Why Does Misinformation Spread So Quickly?”, California Management Review
Ren, Z., Stuebi, R., Adukonu, E., Wang, P., Zhang, T. (2020). “Bringing Power and Progress to Africa in a Financially and Environmentally Sustainable Manner”, Boston University Institute for Sustainable Energy
Ren, Z. (2019). “Melting the Ice Lessons from China and the West in the Transition to Electric Vehicles: The Critical Role of Public Charging Infrastructure”, Independently Published
Feng, T., Ren, Z., Zhang, F. (2019). “Capacity, Quality and Correlated Costs”, Production and Operations Management, 28 (3), 682-699
Tucker, A., Zheng, S., Ren, Z., Heineke, J., McLaughlin, A., Podell, A. (2018). “The Impact of Internal Service Quality on Preventable Adverse Events in Hospitals”, Production and Operations Management, 27 (12), 2201-2212
Ren, Z. (2016). Empirical Studies in Information Sharing.”Handbook of Information Exchange in Supply Chain Management”, Springer 27-38
Zheng, S., Ren, Z., Heineke, J., Geissler, K. (2016). “Reductions in Diagnostic Imaging With High Deductible Health Plans”, Medical Care, 54 (2), 110-117
Ren, Z. (2014). “Business Analytics with Excel (VII) Simulate!: How to Use Excel to Make Optimal Business Decisions, Manage Money Better and Advance Your Career”, Amazon Digital Services
Ren, Z. (2014). “Business Analytics with Excel (VI) Optimize!: How to Use Excel to Make Optimal Business Decisions, Manage Money Better and Advance Your Career”, Amazon Digital Services
Ren, Z. (2014). “Business Analytics with Excel (V) Find Patterns!: How to Use Excel to Make Optimal Business Decisions, Manage Money Better and Advance Your Career”, Amazon Digital Services
Ren, Z. (2014). “Business Analytics with Excel (IV) DataTable and PivotTable: How to Use Excel to Make Optimal Business Decisions, Manage Money Better and Advance Your Career”, Amazon Digital Services
Ren, Z. (2014). “Business Analytics with Excel (III) Visualize!: How to Use Excel to Make Optimal Business Decisions, Manage Money Better and Advance Your Career”, Amazon Digital Services
Ren, Z. (2014). “Business Analytics with Excel (II) Build Models: How to Use Excel to Make Optimal Business Decisions, Manage Money Better and Advance Your Career”, Amazon Digital Services
Ren, Z. (2014). “Business Analytics with Excel (I) Get Equipped: How to Use Excel to Make Optimal Business Decisions, Manage Money Better and Advance Your Career”, Amazon Digital Services
Lai, R., Ren, Z., Robb, D. (2014). “Geographical influences on Chinese inventory: an exploratory study”, International Journal of Inventory Research, 2 (3), 145-145
Griffiths, F., Cave, J., Boardman, F., Ren, J., Pawlikowska, T., Ball, R., Clarke, A., Cohen, A. (2012). “Social networks–the future for health care delivery.”, Soc Sci Med, 75 (12), 2233-2241
Wang, X., Ren, Z. (2012). “How to Compete in China’s E-Commerce Market”, Mit Sloan Management Review, 54 (1), 17-19
Wen, N., Graves, S., Ren, Z. (2012). “Ship-pack optimization in a two-echelon distribution system”, European Journal of Operational Research, 220 (3), 777-785
Robb, D., Liu, F., Lai, R., Ren, Z. (2012). “Inventory in mainland China: Historical, industry, and geographic perspectives”, International Journal of Production Economics, 135 (1), 440-450
Shwartz, M., Cohen, A., Restuccia, J., Ren, Z., Labonte, A., Theokary, C., Kang, R., Horwitt, J. (2011). “How Well Can We Identify the High-Performing Hospital?”, Medical Care Research and Review, 68 (3), 290-310
Theokary, C., Ren, Z. (2011). “An Empirical Study of the Relations Between Hospital Volume, Teaching Status, and Service Quality”, Production and Operations Management, 20 (3), 303-318
Ren, Z., Wang, X. (2011). “How High-Performing Organizations Manage Disruptions”, Tsinghua Business Review 115-120
Ren, Z., Cohen, M., Ho, T., Terwiesch, C. (2010). “Information Sharing in a Long-Term Supply Chain Relationship: The Role of Customer Review Strategy”, Operations Research, 58 (1), 81-93
Shwartz, M., Ren, J., Pekoz, E., Wang, X., Cohen, A., Restuccia, J. (2008). “Estimating a composite measure of hospital quality from the hospital compare database – Differences when using a Bayesian hierarchical latent variable model versus denominator-based weights”, Medical Care, 46 (8), 778-785
Ren, Z., Zhou, Y. (2008). “Call center outsourcing: Coordinating staffing level and service quality”, Management Science, 54 (2), 369-383
Terwiesch, C., Ren, Z., Ho, T., Cohen, M. (2005). “An empirical analysis of forecast sharing in the semiconductor equipment supply chain”, Management Science, 51 (2), 208-220
Cohen, M., Ho, T., Ren, Z., Terwiesch, C. (2003). “Measuring imputed cost in the semiconductor equipment supply chain”, Management Science, 49 (12), 1653-1670