Strategy & Innovation

The conversation around strategy and innovation starts here.

Mission Statement

We aim to provide our peers, students, and practitioners with thought leadership on how both new and established firms stay ahead: through generating and sustaining performance differentials over their competitors. We are interested in exploring the appropriate strategy given conditions, and which practices firms use to execute that strategy. We also focus on the study of innovation in different kinds of organizations, including how technology entrepreneurs create new industries and reshape existing ones.

Our Philosophy

When it comes to understanding strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship, rigorous, first-class research is key. We strive to attract the strongest faculty and create a vibrant, intellectual environment where they can thrive. We tackle today’s complex and shifting strategy issues through a multi-method, interdisciplinary approach. Our faculty are experts in areas ranging from organizational theory to economics to sociology and produce research from large-sample data as well as original fieldwork including detailed ethnography. We are proud to be part of an eclectic and highly motivated group of researchers and instructors who collectively make waves, take risks, and change the game in their fields.

Research Interests

  • Corporate and competitive strategy
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Commercialization strategies
  • Diffusion of innovations and new business models
  • Disruptive innovation and platform competition
  • Dynamics of industry standards
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Energy and sustainability
  • Entry-timing advantages
  • Innovation communities, networks, and fields
  • Intellectual property
  • Strategic human capital
  • Selected industry expertise: the life sciences, information technology, nanotechnology, energy, creative, and sustainability-related industries

Department Chair

Timothy Simcoe View Profile
Timothy Simcoe

David J. McGrath Jr. Professor in Strategy & Innovation

Department Chair, Strategy and Innovation

Strategy & Innovation Department Faculty

Strategy & Innovation PhD Students

Kevin Chandra View Profile
Kevin Chandra
Robert Flynn View Profile
Robert Flynn
Selene Cueva Madrid View Profile
Selene Cueva Madrid
John McKeon View Profile
John McKeon

Lecturer, Strategy and Innovation

Zeyang Xue View Profile
Zeyang Xue
Seungmin Yoo View Profile
Seungmin Yoo


Innovate@BU is a university-wide initiative that provides co-working space for student teams, a rapid prototyping lab, office hours with industry experts, and a wide range of events and competitions. Leveraging BU’s proximity to Boston, the initiative seeks to foster an entrepreneurship culture across BU and instills a start-up mindset in students, researchers, faculty, staff, and alumni.

Student behind branded glass wall of BU id Lab


Questrom offers tremendous flexibility in the undergraduate and graduate MBA programs, allowing students to customize their degrees. Our department supports two concentrations, one in Strategy and a second in Entrepreneurship, at both the undergraduate and MBA levels.

Group of students mingling at event