Kathy Kram
Professor Emeritus, Management & Organizations
PhD, Yale University, 1980
MPhil, Yale University, 1978
MA, Yale University, 1976
MS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1973
BS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1972
Parker, P., Kram, K., Hall, D. (2014). “Peer Coaching: an untapped resource for development”, Organizational Dynamics, 43 (2), 122-129
Murphy, W., Kram, K. (2014). “Strategic Relationships at Work:Creating your circle of mentors, sponsors, and peers for success in business and life”, McGraw Hill Publishers
Parker, P., Kram, K., Hall, D. (2013). “Exploring risk factors in peer coaching: A multi-level approach”, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 49 (3), 361-387
Ghosh, R., Hayes, R., Kram, K. (2013). “Developmental Networks at Work: Holding Environments for Leader Development”, Career Development International, 3 (18), 232-256
Kram, K., David, S., Congleton, C. (2013). Goals in Mentoring Relationships and Developmental Networks.”Beyond Goals: Effective Strategies for Coaching and Mentoring”, Gower Publishing Limited 261-274
Kram, K., Wasserman, I., Yip, J. (2012). “Learning from the scholar-practitioner: metaphors, identity, and professional practice”, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 48 (3), 304-341
Kram, K., Dobrow, S., Dawn, C., Wendy, M. (2011). “A Review of Developmental Networks: Incorporating a Mutuality Perspective”, Journal of Management, 38 (1)
Shen, Y., Kram, K. (2011). “Expatriates’ Developmental Networks: Network Diversity,Base, and Support Functions”, Career Development International, 16 (6), 528-552
Kram, K., Chandler, D., Yip, J. (2011). “An Ecological Systems Perspective on Mentoring at Work: A Review and Future Prospects”, The Academy of Management Annals, 5 (1), 519-570
Kram, K., Murphy, W. (2010). “Understanding non-work relationships in developmental networks”, Career Development International, 15 (7), 637-667
Kram, K., Chandler, D. (2010). “”A Self-Directed Approach to Developmental Networks and Leadership Development” Self-Management and Leadership Development”, Edgar Elgar PUblishing 336-361
Bunker, K., Hall, D., Kram, K. (2010). “Extraordinary Leadership: Addressing The Gaps in Senior Executive Development”, Wiley/Jossey Bass
Hall, D., Chandler, D., Kram, K. (2010). “A Developmental Network & Relational Savvy Approach to Talent Development: A Low-Cost Alternative.”, Organizational Dynamics, 39 (1), 48-58
Kram, K., Hall, D., Chandler, D. (2009). “A Developmental Network & Relational Savvy Approach to Talent Development: A Low-Cost Alternative”, Organizational Dynamics, 39 (1), 48-56
Hall, D., Kram, K., Chandler, D. (2009). “How to be a smart protege”, Sloan Management Review, 2009 (August)
Kram, K., Ilene, W. (2009). “Enacting the Scholar-Practitioner Role: An Exploration of Narratives”, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 45 (1), 12-38
Ragins, B., Kram, K. (2007). “Handbook of Mentoring at Work: Theory, Research, and Practice”, Sage Publications
Kram, K., Ragins, B. (2007). “”The Landscape of Mentoring in the 21st Century””,
Kram, K., Ragins, B. (2007). “”The Roots and Meaning of Mentoring””, Sage Publications 3-16
Kram, K. (2003). “Mentoring at Work: Developmental Relationships in Organizational Life”, Hakuto Shobo Publisher
Kram, K. (1988). “Mentoring at Work: Developmental Relationships in Organizational Life”, University Press of America