Fernando Zapatero
Richard D. Cohen Professor in Finance
Department Chair, Finance
Selected Research Presentations
Zapatero, F. Asset Pricing Implications of Heterogeneous Investment Horizons, Northern Finance Association Meeting, 2023
Zapatero, F. No Max Pain, No Max Gain: Stock Return Predictability at Options Expiration, European Finance Association Meeting, 2023
Zapatero, F. Asset Pricing Implications of Heterogeneous Investment Horizons, Spanish Finance Forum, 2023
Zapatero, F. Rolling the Skew Die: Economic Foundations of the Demand for Skewness and Experimental Evidence, Climate Finance, ICADE (Madrid, Spain), 2023
Zapatero, F. Reference-Dependence and Skewness: The Two Sides of a Coin, ICADE (Madrid, Spain), 2023
Zapatero, F. Rolling the Skew Die: Economic Foundations of the Demand for Skewness and Experimental Evidence, Universidad de Palma de Mallorca (Spain), 2023
Zapatero, F. Rolling the Skew Die: Economic Foundations of the Demand for Skewness and Experimental Evidence, Toulouse Business School, 2023
Zapatero, F. Rolling the Skew Die: Economic Foundations of the Demand for Skewness and Experimental Evidence, ITAM (Mexico City, Mexico), 2023
Zapatero, F. Clinging onto the cliff: A model of financial misconduct, Finance Forum, 2022
Zapatero, F. Betting on the likelihood of a short squeeze, Midwest Finance Association, 2022
Zapatero, F. Betting on the likelihood of a short squeeze, Derivatives Conference, 2022
Zapatero, F. Disagreement, Information Quality and Asset Prices, Finance Forum, Online
Sotes-Paladino, J., Zapatero, F. (In Press). “A Rationale for Benchmarking in Money Management”, SSRN Electronic Journal
Cvitanic, J., Zapatero, F., Wiener, Z. (In Press). “Analytic Pricing of Employee Stock Options”, SSRN Electronic Journal
Suh, S., Zapatero, F. (In Press). “A Class of Quadratic Options for Exchange Rate Stabilization”, SSRN Electronic Journal
Cadenillas, A., Sarkar, S., Zapatero, F. (In Press). “Optimal Dividend Policy with Mean-Reverting Cash Reservoir”, SSRN Electronic Journal
Cetin, C., Zapatero, F. (In Press). “Optimal Acquisition of a Partially Hedgeable House”, SSRN Electronic Journal
Xiouros, C., Zapatero, F. (In Press). “The Representative Agent of an Economy with External Habit-Formation and Heterogeneous Risk-Aversion”, SSRN Electronic Journal
Sotes-Paladino, J., Zapatero, F. (2022). “Carrot and stick: A role for benchmark-adjusted compensation in active fund management”, Journal of Financial Intermediation, 52 100981-100981
Belz, A., Terrile, R., Zapatero, F., Kawas, M., Giga, A. (2021). “Mapping the “Valley of Death”: Managing Selection and Technology Advancement in NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research Program”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 68 (5), 1476-1485
Belz, A., Zapatero, F. (2019). “Impact of Government Grants on Venture Capital Funding of Deep Technology University Spinoffs”,
Brocas, I., Carrillo, J., Giga, A., Zapatero, F. (2019). “Risk Aversion in a Dynamic Asset Allocation Experiment”, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 54 (5), 2209-2232
Sotes-Paladino, J., Zapatero, F. (2019). “Riding the Bubble with Convex Incentives”, The Review of Financial Studies, 32 (4), 1416-1456
Gómez, J., Priestley, R., Zapatero, F. (2016). “Labor Income, Relative Wealth Concerns, and the Cross Section of Stock Returns”, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 51 (4), 1111-1133
Cetin, C., Zapatero, F. (2015). “Optimal acquisition of a partially hedgeable house”, Mathematics and Financial Economics, 9 (2), 123-147
Cvitanic, J., Polimenis, V., Zapatero, F. (2007). “Optimal portfolio allocation with higher moments”, Annals of Finance, 4 (1), 1-28