Benjamin Lubin
Clinical Associate Professor, Information Systems
After receiving his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Harvard University in 1999, Dr. Lubin joined BBN Technologies, the research and development firm where the first internet routers were developed, working on advanced multi-agent modeling, scheduling and logistics systems. After six years in industry, he returned to Harvard University to pursue a Ph.D. at the intersection of computer science, game theory and economics. He is now an Assistant Professor in the Information Systems department of the Boston University Questrom School of Business. His research is in three primary areas: (1) mechanism design, especially of combinatorial auctions and exchanges, mechanisms that support efficient reallocation of goods when participants have complex preferences regarding bundles of items, (2) the use of spectral graph theory to advance the analysis of social networks, and (3) applications of network science and machine learning to understanding and improving the healthcare delivery system. Dr. Lubin is a recipient of the Siebel Fellowship and a Yahoo Key Technical Challenge award. Portions of his research are funded by NIHCM and the Veterans Administration.
Lahaie, S., Lubin, B. (In Press). “Adaptive Price Combinatorial Auctions”, Management Science
Buenz, B., Lubin, B., Seuken, S. (In Press). “Designing Core-selecting Payment Rules: A Computational Search Approach”, Information Systems Research
Weissteiner, J., Wendler, C., Seuken, S., Lubin, B., Puschel, M. (2022). “Fourier Analysis-based Iterative Combinatorial Auctions”, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)
Beyeler, M., Brero, G., Lubin, B., Seuken, S. (2021). “iMLCA: Machine Learning-powered Iterative Combinatorial Auctions with Interval Bidding”, Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation 136-136
Bosshard, V., Bünz, B., Lubin, B., Seuken, S. (2020). “Computing Bayes-Nash Equilibria in Combinatorial Auctions with Verification”, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 69 531-570
Geissler, K., Lubin, B., Ericson, K. (2020). “The association between patient sharing network structure and healthcare cost.”, PLoS One
Lahaie, S., Lubin, B. (2019). “Adaptive-Price Combinatorial Auctions”, Proc. of the 20th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (ACMEC-19)
Zheng, S., Lubin, B., Au, R., Murabito, J., Benjamin, E., Shwartz, M. (2019). “Advantages of Continuous-Valued Risk Scores for Predicting Long-Term Costs: The Framingham Coronary Heart Disease 10-Year Risk Score.”, Advances in geriatric medicine and research, 1 (1), e190004-
Brero, G., Lubin, B., Seuken, S. (2018). “Combinatorial Auctions via Machine Learning-based Preference Elicitation”, Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 128-136
Ericson, K., Geissler, K., Lubin, B. (2018). “The Impact of Partial-Year Enrollment on the Accuracy of Risk-Adjustment Systems: A Framework and Evidence”, American Journal of Health Economics [23323493]
Bünz, B., Lubin, B., Seuken, S. (2018). “Designing Core-selecting Payment Rules: A Computational Search Approach”, ACM conference on Economics and computation – EC
Bosshard, V., Bünz, B., Lubin, B., Seuken, S. (2017). “Computing Bayes-Nash Equilibria in Combinatorial Auctions with Continuous Value and Action Spaces”, Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 119-127
Brero, G., Lubin, B., Seuken, S. (2017). “Probably Approximately Efficient Combinatorial Auctions Via Machine Learning”, Proc. of the 31st Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-17)
Weiss, M., Lubin, B., Seuken, S. (2017). “SATS: A Universal Spectrum Auction Test Suite”, Proc of the 16th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-17)
Lubin, B., Juda, A., Cavallo, R., Lahaie, S., Schneidman, J., Parkes, D. (2017). ICE: An Expressive Iterative Combinatorial Exchange. In Martin, Bichler., Jacob, Goeree. (Eds.), “Handbook of Spectrum Auction Design”,
Shore, J., Lubin, B. (2015). “Spectral goodness of fit for network models”, Social Networks [03788733], 43
Dütting, P., Fischer, F., Jirapinyo, P., Lai, J., Lubin, B., Parkes, D. (2015). “Payment Rules through Discriminant-Based Classifiers”, ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation [21678375], 3 (1)
Buenz, B., Seuken, S., Lubin, B. (2015). “A Faster Core Constraint Generation Algorithm for Combinatorial Auctions”, Proc. of the 29th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-15)
Ghasemi, M., Lubin, B. (2015). “Modeling Multi-Attribute Demand for Sustainable Cloud Computing with Copulae”, Proc. of the 24th International Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-15)
Lubin, B., Bünz, B., Seuken, S. (2015). “New Core-Selecting Payment Rules with Better Fairness and Incentive Properties”, Proceedings of the The Third Conference on Auctions, Market Mechanisms and Their Applications
Guevara, M., Lubin, B., Lee, B. (2014). “Market mechanisms for managing datacenters with heterogeneous microarchitectures”, ACM Transactions on Computer Systems [07342071], 32 (1)
Guevara, M., Lubin, B., Lee, B. (2014). “Strategies for anticipating risk in heterogeneous system design”, IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA) Conference
Lubin, B., Parkes, D. (2014). Allocating and Pricing Data Center Resources with Power-Aware Combinatorial Auctions. In M, Chiang., S, Ha., C, Joe-Wong., S, Sen. (Eds.), “Smart Data Pricing”,
Guevara, M., Lubin, B., Lee, B. (2014). “Navigating Heterogeneous Architectures with Market Mechanisms”, Proc of the 19th International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-13)
Wyner, G., Lubin, B. (2013). “The quest to learn web technologies: Using Google AppEngine to create an online adventure game.”, 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS-13)
Dütting, P., Fischer, F., Jirapinyo, P., Lai, J., Lubin, B., Parkes, D. (2012). “Payment rules through discriminant-based classifiers”, Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 477-494
Wyner, G., Lubin, B. (2012). “It’s Not Just a Class and It’s an Adventure: Teaching Web Development Through Game Creation.”, (Workshop in Inforation Technololgy and Systems WITS-12)
Lubin, B., Parkes, D. (2012). “Approximate Strategyproofness”, Current Science, 103
Wyner, G., Lubin, B. (2011). “From Hello World to Interface Design in Three Days: Teaching Non-Technical Students to Use and API.”, 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS-11)
Lubin, B., Parkes, D. (2009). “Quantifying the Strategyproofness of Mechanisms via Metrics on Payoff Distributions”, Proc. of the 25th Conf. on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI-09)
Lubin, B., Kephart, J., Das, R., Parkes, D. (2009). “Expressive Power-Based Resource Allocation for Data Centers”, Proc. of the 21st International Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09)
Lubin, B., Juda, A., Cavallo, R., Lahaie, S., Schneidman, J., Parkes, D. (2008). “ICE: An Expressive Iterative Combinatorial Exchange”, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), 33 33-77
Parkes, D., Cavallo, R., Elprin, N., Juda, A., Lahaie, S., Lubin, B., Michael, L., Shneidman, J., Sultan, H. (2005). “ICE”, Proceedings of the 6th ACM conference on Electronic commerce 249-258
Cavallo, R., Parkes, D., Juda, A., Kirsch, A., Kulesza, A., Lahaie, S., Lubin, B., Michael, L., Shneidman, J. (2005). “TBBL: A Tree-Based Bidding Language for Iterative Combinatorial Exchanges”, Proc. of the Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling (IJCAI)
Rana-Stevens, S., Lubin, B., Montana, D. (2000). “The Air Crew Scheduling System: The Design of a Real-World and Dynamic Genetic Scheduler.”, Proc. of the 2nd Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conf. Late Breaking Papers