Ana Albuquerque
Associate Professor, Accounting
Ana Albuquerque completed her PhD in Accounting, her MS and MBA degrees at the University of Rochester, and a BA at the Universidade Catolica Portuguesa in Portugal. Her research interests lie on the impact of regulation and financial reporting on executive compensation and incentives. Professor Albuquerque has published in the Journal of Accounting and Economics, the Journal of Financial Economics, The Accounting Review, Management Science, The Review of Accounting Studies, and her work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal.
PhD, University of Rochester – William E. Simon School of Business Administration, 2006
MS, University of Rochester – William E. Simon School of Business Administration, 2001
MBA, University of Rochester – William E. Simon School of Business Administration, 1996
BA, Portuguese Catholic University Lisbon, 1992
Selected Research Presentations
Albuquerque, A. The Impact of the Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine on CEO Turnover, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria, 2023
Albuquerque, A. The Impact of the Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine on CEO Turnover, Corporate Governance and Executive Compensation Research Series, Online, 2022
Albuquerque, A. How to write a successful PhD project, 2nd Meeting of Grudis Doctoral Students, online, 2022
Albuquerque, A. Are ISS Recommendations Informative? Evidence from Assessments of Compensation Practices, University of Illinois Chicago Accounting Research Conference, Chicago, IL, 2022
Albuquerque, A. Are ISS Recommendations Informative? Evidence from Assessments of Compensation Practices, European Accounting Association Conference, Bergen, Norway, 2022
Albuquerque, A. Are ISS Recommendations Informative? Evidence from Assessments of Compensation Practices, Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway, 2022
Albuquerque, A. Complexity of CEO Compensation Packages, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2022
Albuquerque, A. Are ISS Recommendations Informative? Evidence from Assessments of Compensation Practices, Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research Conference, Singapore, 2022
Albuquerque, A. Pay Dispersion and Firm Performance, Corporate Governance and Executive Compensation Research Series, online, 2022
Albuquerque, A. Are ISS Recommendations Informative? Evidence from Assessments of Compensation Practices, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 2022
Albuquerque, A. Are ISS Recommendations Informative? Evidence from Assessments of Compensation Practices, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, 2022
Albuquerque, A. Are ISS Recommendations Informative? Evidence from Assessments of Compensation Practices, Lubrafin Conference, Virtual, 2021
Albuquerque, A. Discussant of Structure Homogeneity in CEO Compensation, Management Accounting Section Mid-Year Meeting, Virtual, 2021
Albuquerque, A. Discussion of Structure Homogeneity in CEO Compensation, Management Accounting Section 2021, Virtual
Albuquerque, A., Custodio, C., Bennett, B., Cvijanovic, D. (In Press). “CEO Compensation and Real Estate Prices: Pay for Luck or Pay for Action?”, Review of Accounting Studies
Albuquerque, A., Chen, B., Dong, Q., Riedl, E. (2019). “Ex Post Settling Up in Cash Compensation: New Evidence”, Contemporary Accounting Research, 36 (Winter), 2283-2318
Albuquerque, A., Zhu, J. (2019). “Has Section 404 of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act Discouraged Corporate Investment? New Evidence from a Natural Experiment”, Management Science, 65 (7), 3423-3446
Albuquerque, A., Carter, M., Lynch, L. (2015). “Court Intervention as a Governance Mechanism over CEO Pay: Evidence from the Citigroup Derivative Lawsuit”, European Accounting Review, 24 (4), 637-658
Albuquerque, A. (2014). “Do Growth-Option Firms Use Less Relative Performance Evaluation?”, Accounting Review, 89 (1), 27-60
Albuquerque, A., De Franco, G., Verdi, R. (2013). “Peer choice in CEO compensation”, Journal of Financial Economics, 108 (1), 160-181
Albuquerque, A. (2010). “Does firm heterogeneity lead to differences in relative executive compensation?”, Finance Research Letters, 7 (2), 80-85
Albuquerque, A. (2009). “Peer firms in relative performance evaluation”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 48 (1), 69-89