Tag: Fisheries

Les Kaufman Co-authors New Paper on Armed Conflict and Fisheries in the Lake Victoria Basin

Les Kaufman, a Faculty Research Fellow at the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future and a Professor in the Department of Biology, co-authored a recent paper on the growing risk of conflict within fisheries systems, specifically in the Lake Victoria basin. The paper, titled “Armed conflict and fisheries in the Lake Victoria basin,” […]

New Paper: Transboundary Threats in the Mekong Basin: Protecting a Crucial Fishery

The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future has published a new paper in its Issues in Brief series. The paper, titled “Transboundary Threats in the Mekong Basin: Protecting a Crucial Fishery,” was written by Irit Altman, a Pardee Center Visiting Research Fellow and Research Assistant Professor of Biology at Boston University. In the […]