Sir Robert Tony Watson, the world’s leading authority on integrated scientific assessments, discussed his experiences over the past 30 years and his views on the future of such assessments when he delivered the 2016 Pardee Center Distinguished Lecture at the Metcalf Trustee Center on April 11. The event was sponsored by the Frederick S. […]
A panel of experts discussed the public health impacts of climate change in India at a seminar hosted by the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future on April 6. The seminar was organized and moderated by Prof. Sucharita Gopal of the Department of Earth & Environment and featured Prof. Susan Foster of the […]
The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future has published a new paper in its Issues in Brief series. The paper, titled “Improving Women’s Reproductive Health in India by Educating Men and Families,” was written by 2015 Pardee Graduate Summer Fellow Maanasa Venkatesh. In the paper, Venkatesh argues that reproductive health care for women […]
France’s Special Representative to the Paris climate change talks last December spoke publicly for the first time on Feb. 8 at Boston University about what it took to orchestrate both the two-week long climate change negotiation session and the agreement that came out of it. Ambassador Laurence Tubiana was the featured speaker at the event […]
On Wednesday, January 27, the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future hosted a presentation and discussion titled “Credit-driven bubbles and crises in the macroeconomic and financial system: the Eurace agent-based modeling approach,” featuring Prof. Marco Raberto of the University of Genoa. Prof. Raberto presented the agent-based modeling approach to investigate […]