In consultation with their GPN faculty mentors students choose their more advanced coursework from departments across the University in order to fulfill the total credit requirements for the Ph.D. degree. Use the links provided in “Current Course Offerings” on the right to determine the semester in which a particular elective is offered.
The following is a list of recommended electives organized by topic area
*medical campus
Relevant to topics of molecular, and cellular neuroscience
(CAS BI 520) Sensory Neurobiology (4)
(CAS BI 545) Neurobiology of Motivated Behavior (4)
(CAS BI 575) Techniques in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (4)
(CAS BI 599) Neurobiology of synapses (4)
(CAS PS 530) Neural Models of Memory Function (4)
(GMS AN 702) *Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (2)
(GMS AN 709) *Neural Development and Plasticity (2)
(GMS AN 804) *Methods in Neuroscience (4)
(GMS AN 807) *Neurobiology of the Visual System (2)
(GMS BN 798) *Functional Neuroanatomy in Neuropsychology (4)
(GMS PM 860) *Electrophysiology and Pharmacology of the Synapse (2 cr)
(GMS PM 892) *Molecular and Neural Bases of Learning Behaviors (2)
(CAS BI 644) Neuroethology (4)
(CAS BI 645) Cellular and Molecular Neurophysiology (4)
(CAS BI 655) Developmental Neurobiology (4)
(CAS BI 681) Molecular Biology of the Neuron (4)
(SAR HS 550) Neural Systems (4)
(SAR HS 755) Readings in Neuroscience (4)
Relevant to biomedical & translational
(CAS BI 554) Neuroendocrinology (4)
(GMS AN 808) *Neuroanatomical Basis of Neurological Disorders (2)
(GMS AN 707) *Neurobiology of Aging (2)
(GMS AN 713) *Autism: Clinical and Neuroscience Perspectives (2)
(GMS AN 804) *Methods in Neuroscience (4)
(GMS AN 808) *Neuroanatomical Basis of Neurological Disorders (2)
(GMS PM 820) *Neuropsychopharmacology (2)
(GMS PM 840) *Neuroendocrine Pharmacology (2)
(GMS PM 850) *Biochemical Neuropharmacology (2)
(GMS IM 690) *Imaging of Neurologic Disease (2)
(GMS BN 782) *Forensic Neuropsychology (4)
(GMS BN 793) *Adult Communication Disorders (4)
(GMS BN 891 & 892) *Case Studies in Neuropsychology (three different clinical rounds, sections A1, B1, and C1) (2 credits each section).
(GMS BN 893) *Child Clinical Neuropsychology (4)
(GMS BN 796) *Neuropsychological Assessment I (4)
(GMS BN 797) *Neuropsychological Assessment II (4)
(GMS BN 821) *Neuroimaging Seminar (2)
Relevant to behavioral & cognitive neuroscience
(CAS PS 520) Research Methods in Perception and Cognition (4)
(CAS PS 525) Cognitive Science (4)
(CAS PS 528) Human Brain Mapping (4)
(CAS PS 544) Developmental Neuropsychology (4)
(CAS PS 721) General Experimental (4)
(CAS PS 734) Psychopharmacology (4)
(CAS PS 737) Memory Systems of the Brain (4)
(CAS PS 738) Techniques in Systems & Behavioral Neuroscience (4)
(CAS PS 821) Learning (4)
(CAS PS 822) Visual Perception (4)
(CAS PS 824) Cognitive Psychology (4)
(CAS PS 828) Seminar in Psycholinguistics (4)
(CAS PS 831) Seminar in Neuropsychology (4)
(CAS PS 833) Advanced Physiological Psychology (4)
(CAS PS 835) Attention (4)
(ENG BE 715) Functional neuroimaging (4)
(GMS BN 795) *Neuropsychology of Perception and Memory (4)
(GMS AN 716) *Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (4)
(GRS PS 829) Principles in Neuropsychology (4)
Relevant to theoretical & computational neuroscience
(CAS CN 500) Computational methods in cognitive and neural systems (4)
(CAS CN 510) Principles and methods of cognitive and neural modeling I (4)
(CAS CN 520) Principles and methods of cognitive and neural modeling II (4)
(CAS CN 530) Neural and computational models of vision (4)
(CAS CN 540) Neural and computational models of adaptive movement and planning control (4)
(CAS CN 550) Neural and computational models of recognition, memory, and attention (4)
(CAS CN 560) (co-listed as BE 509) Neural and computational models of speech and hearing (4)
(CAS CN 570) Neural and computational models of conditioning, reinforcement, motivation and rhythm (4)
(CAS CN 580) Introduction to computational neuroscience (4)
(CAS CN 700) Computational and mathematical methods in neural modeling (4)
(CAS CN 710) Advanced topics in neural modeling: Comparative analysis of learning systems (4)
(CAS CN 720) Neural and computational models of planning and temporal structure in behavior (4)
(CAS CN 730) Models of visual perception (4)
(CAS CN 740) Topics in sensory motor control (4)
(CAS CN 760) Topics in speech perception and recognition (4)
(CAS CN 780) Topics in computational neuroscience (4)
(CAS CS 640) Artificial Intelligence (4)
(ENG BE 509) (co-listed as CN 560) Quantitative physiology of the auditory system (4)
(ENG BE 570) Introduction to computational vision (4)
(ENG BE 701) Auditory signal processing: Peripheral (4)
(ENG BE 702) Auditory signal processing: Central (4)
(ENG BE 707) Quantitative studies of excitable membranes (4)
(ENG BE 710) Neural plasticity and perceptual learning (4)
Coursework in related disciplines
(CAS MA 565) Math Models in the Life Sciences (4)
(CAS MA 573) Qualitative Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations (4)
(CAS MA 581) Probability (4)
(CAS MA 582) Mathematical Statistics (4)
(CAS MA 583) Introduction to Stochastic Processes (4)
(CAS MA 584) Multivariate Statistical Analysis (4)
(CAS MA 585) Time Series and Forecasting (4)
(CAS MA 681) Accelerated Introduction to Statistical Methods for Quantitative Research (4)
(CAS MA 684) Applied Multiple Regression and Multivariable Method (4)
(ENG BE 515) Introduction to medical imaging (4)
(ENG BE 540) Bioelectrical signals: Analysis and interpretation (4)
(ENG BE 550) Bioelectromechanics (4)
(ENG BE 560) Biomolecular architecture (4)
(ENG BE 740) Parameter estimation and systems identification (4)
(ENG BE 747) Advanced signals and systems analysis for biomedical engineering (4)
(CAS BI 552/553) Molecular Biology (4,4)
(GMS BI 782) *Molecular Biology (4)
(CAS BI 555) Techniques in Cell Biology (4)
(CAS BI 735) Advanced Cell Biology (4)
(CAS BI 721) Biochemistry (4)
(CAS MB 722) Advanced Biochemistry (4)
(GMS BL 755/756) * Biochemistry (4,4)
(CAS BI 621/622) Biochemistry (4,4)
(GMS BI 789) *Physical Biochemistry (2)
(CAS BI 556) Membrane Biochemistry and Cell Signaling (4)
(CAS BI 551) Biology of Stem Cells (4)
(ENG BE 561) DNA and Protein Sequence Analysis (4)
(ENG BE 700) Advanced Topics in Biomedical Engineering (4)
(GMS BI 776) *Gene Targeting in Transgenic Mice (2)
(GMS BI 786) *Biochemical Mechanisms of Aging (2)
(GMS BI 797) *Molecular Mechanisms of Growth and Development (2)
(GMS PM 800) *Systems Pharmacology (4)
(GMS PM 832) *Pharmacogenomics (2)
(GMS PM 843) *Pharmacologic Intervention in Inflammatory Responses (2)
(GMS PM 880) *Gene Regulation and Pharmacology (2)
(GMS PM 881) *Drug Discovery and Development (2)
(GMS MI 713) *Comprehensive Immunology (4)
(GMS MM 701) *Genetics and Epidemiology of Human Disease (2)
(GMS MM 703) *Cancer Biology and Genetics (2)
(GMS MM 710) *Molecules to Molecular Therapeutics: The Translation of Molecular Observations to Clinical Implementation (4)
(MET AD 893) Technology Commercialization: From Lab to Market (4)