Madison Condon

Madison Condon

Associate Professor of Law

BS, Columbia University,
JD, Harvard University
MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University


Madison Condon joined Boston University School of Law as an associate professor in July 2020. She teaches Environmental Law, Corporations, and a seminar on climate risk and financial institutions.

Professor Condon is an expert on climate change, financial risk, and regulation. Her scholarship has been included in collections of the best articles of the year for several fields, including environmental law, corporate law, and securities law. Her research has been relied upon by the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the US Department of Labor in rulemakings. The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology pointed to her work criticizing financial models in its recommendations for managing extreme weather risk. In 2023, Professor Condon joined the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment Academic Network Advisory Committee.

Professor Condon’s scholarship has appeared or is forthcoming in leading legal journals including the UC Davis Law Review, the Washington Law Review, and the Utah Law Review. She has also written for interdisciplinary publications including Finance & Society, NOMOSLand Use Policy and the Review of Environmental Economics and Policy. Her writing and commentary have been featured in popular media outlets including the New York Times, Bloomberg, NPR, Politico, The Atlantic and The New Republic. 

Before joining BU Law, Professor Condon was an attorney at New York University School of Law’s Institute for Policy Integrity, where she participated in litigation against federal regulatory rollbacks. She clerked for Judge Jane Kelly of the 8th US Circuit Court of Appeals and was a postdoctoral fellow with the Earth Institute at Columbia University. Professor Condon holds a JD from Harvard Law School, an MALD from Tufts University’s Fletcher School, and a BS in Earth and Environmental Engineering from Columbia University. She was a Fulbright Fellow to the Netherlands where she researched water resources management at the Delft University of Technology.


Scroll left to right to view all publications

  • Madison Condon, Limits to Asset Manager Adaptation 10 Finance and Society (2024)
    Scholarly Commons
  • Madison Condon, The Chicago School’s Coasean Incoherence Climate Change: NOMOS LXVIII (2024)
    Scholarly Commons
  • Madison Condon, What’s Scope 3 Good For? 56 U.C. Davis Law Review (2023)
    Scholarly Commons
  • Madison Condon, Climate Services: The Business of Physical Risk 55 Arizona State Law Journal (2023)
    Scholarly Commons
  • Madison Condon, "Green" Corporate Governance, in Oxford Handbook of Corporate Law and Governance (Jeffrey N. Gordon and Wolf-Georg Ringe,2023)
    Scholarly Commons
  • Madison Condon, Market Myopia's Climate Bubble 2022 Utah Law Review (2022)
    Scholarly Commons
  • Madison Condon, Sarah Ladin, Jack Lienke, Michael Panfil & Alexander Song, Mandating Disclosure of Climate-Related Financial Risk (2021)
    Scholarly Commons
  • Madison Condon, Externalities and the Common Owner 95 Washington Law Review (2020)
    Scholarly Commons
  • Madison Condon, Michael A. Livermore & Jeffrey G. Shrader, Assessing the Rationale for the U.S. EPA’s Proposed “Strengthening Transparency In Regulatory Science” Rule 14 Review of Environmental Economics and Policy (2020)
    Scholarly Commons
  • Sophia Rhee, Elias Charles Nyanza, Madison Condon, Joshua Fisher, Theresia Maduka & Anja Benshaul-Tolonen, Understanding Environmental, Health and Economic Activity Interactions Following Transition of Ownership in Gold Mining Areas in Tanzania: A Case of Private to Public 79 Land Use Policy (2018)
    Scholarly Commons
  • Madison Condon, Richard Revesz & Burcin Unel, Managing the Future of Energy Storage: Implications for Greenhouse Gas Emissions (2018)
    Scholarly Commons
  • Madison Condon, Citizen Scientists, Data Transparency, and the Mining Industry 32 Natural Resources & Environment (2017)
    Scholarly Commons
  • Madison Condon, The Integration of Environmental Law into International Investment Treaties and Trade Agreements: Negotiation Process and the Legalization of Commitments 33 Virginia Environmental Law Journal (2015)
    Scholarly Commons
  • Madison Condon, Don Kriens, Anjali Lohani & Erum Sattar, Challenge and Response in the Indus Basin 16 Official Journal of the World Water Policy (2014)
    Scholarly Commons
  • Madison Condon, China in Africa: What the Policy of Nonintervention Adds to the Western Development Dilemma 27 PRAXIS: The Fletcher Journal of Human Security (2012)
    Scholarly Commons
  • Madison Condon, Hans Komakech & Pieter van der Zaag, The Role of Statutory and Local Rules in Allocating Water between Large- and Small-Scale Irrigators in an African River Catchment 38 Water SA (2012)
    Scholarly Commons
  • Madison Condon, Michael Surgan & Caroline Cox, Pesticide Risk Indicators: Unidentified Inert Ingredients Compromise Their Integrity and Utility 45 Environmental Management (2010)
    Scholarly Commons
  • David T. Ho, Victor C. Engel, Evan A. Variano, Paul J. Schmieder & Madison Condon, Tracer Studies of Sheet Flow in the Florida Everglades 36 Geophysical Research Letters (2009)
    Scholarly Commons

In the Media

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  • Jacobin October 16, 2024

    There’s No Such Thing as a Climate Haven

    Madison Condon is mentioned.
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  • Lever News

    The Coming Financial Hurricane

    Madison Condon is mentioned.
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  • Man Institute October 15, 2024

    NOAA Chief Scientist Dr. Sarah Kapnick on Pricing Climate Disaster Risk

    Madison Condon is mentioned.
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  • Heat Map October 14, 2024

    Should You Trust Zillow’s Climate Risk Data?

    Madison Condon is quoted.
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  • Brunswick Review October 3, 2024

    Making the Case for Climate Risk Disclosure

    Madison Condon is quoted.
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  • Bloomberg August 9, 2024

    The Risky Business of Predicting Where Climate Disaster Will Hit

    Madison Condon's research is referenced.
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  • BU Today July 12, 2024

    Vermont Will Charge Big Oil for Past Climate Change. Should Massachusetts Follow?

    Madison Condon is quoted.
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  • Waters Technology June 26, 2024

    US Banks Seek to Open Vendors’ Black Box on Green Data

    Madison Condon is featured.
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  • ivoox May 23, 2024

    The Future of ESG: Where Do We Go from Here?

    Madison Condon is interviewed.
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  • Drilled News March 31, 2024

    The BBC, Guyana, and Untangling North-South Climate Complexities

    Madison Condon is featured.
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  • Man Group March 13, 2024

    A Sustainable Future: Prof. Madison Condon, Boston University School of Law, on the Climate Industrial Complex

    Madison Condon is interviewed.
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  • Weather Geeks

    Climate & Environmental Law

    Madison Condon is interviewed.
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  • Heatmap February 26, 2024

    Why the SEC’s New Climate Rules Matter

    Madison Condon is quoted.
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  • Investment Magazine February 22, 2024

    Without Scope 3, Investor Decarbonisation Efforts Are Futile

    Madison Condon's research is featured.
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  • Fast Company January 24, 2024

    Inside the Activist Investor Campaign to Make Walgreens, Target, and Kroger Give Workers a Raise

    Madison Condon is quoted.
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