Employer Mondays: K&L Gates

  • Starts: 1:00 pm on Monday, November 2, 2020
  • Ends: 2:00 pm on Monday, November 2, 2020
2Ls, join us for the fifth of our Employer Mondays happening this fall! K&L Gates has formed a Practice Area Panel consisting of Partners and Associates, who will discuss the multiple practices we provide our clients. We will first convene on WebEx, where Lindsay Bishop, chair of Boston’s Associates Committee and Mark Pomfret, chair of the Summer Associate Program, will provide general information about K&L Gates and our summer associate program. From there, we will break out into smaller breakout sessions to provide the opportunity to meet attorneys and learn more about their practice areas, clients, etc. Every 10-15 minutes the attorneys will move to another breakout room. This informational session is designed to showcase our practice areas and be interactive, so please come with questions! RSVP via the Events tab in CareerHub.