MLSC Government/Public Interest Fall Recruitment Program and EJW Mock Interview Madness!

  • Starts: 8:30 am on Thursday, October 1, 2015
Are you applying for jobs through the MLSC Government/Public Interest Fall Recruitment Program, EJW, or any other government agency or public interest organization? Don’t go at this alone! Mock interviews provide an opportunity to practice interview skills with someone who is not evaluating you for an actual job. They help reduce stress about the interview process, boost confidence and provide a forum to obtain constructive feedback to improve performance when it counts. In advance of the MLSC and EJW job fairs, the CDO will be hosting MOCK INTERVIEW MADNESS all day on Thursday, October 1 and Friday, October 2. Appointments can be made with CDO Advisors Carolyn Goodwin or Maureen Leo via the Events Tab on Symplicity.
Career Development & Public Service Office, Room 902