Homiletical Theology
Homiletical Theology: Progress Report
Homiletical Theology sees its theological task in relation to the practices and theories that serve the preaching of the gospel in contexts, cultures, and situations. It understands homiletics not as an application of theology, but a site for doing theology.
For me homiletical theology is done at several crucial intersections in our field:
- theologies of preaching
- theologies of the gospel
- the relation of Word and Sacrament
- the use of theology in sermons
- preaching as theology
My hope is that the Homiletical Theology Project (HTP) will be an alternative space for members of the Academy of Homiletics to reinvigorate a theological conversation in our field in these very intersections. So whether you see your task as doing homiletical theology, or conceive your work more specifically as related to contextual theology, constructive theology, conversational theology, practical theology, correlational theologies, or in deeper relation to traditional theologies, there is room for you here.
So, as a way of seeing where such a conversation might head, take a look at some emerging research questions for the Homiletical Theology Project at AH. I hope you will join in!
David Schnasa Jacobsen, Ph.D.
Director, The Homiletical Theology Project
Homiletics PhD Concentration (Practical Theology)
Boston University School of Theology