Associate Professor; Latin American Art and Architecture


Email Fall 2024 Office Hours Thurs 11:30AM-12:30PM (zoom) book online and Fri 11:00AM-12:00PM (in-person)

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Ana María Reyes, is an Associate Professor in the Department of the History of Art and Architecture, Center for Latin American Studies and American and New England Studies at Boston University. She is also Affiliated Researcher, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University and founding member of the Symbolic Reparations Research Project. Her book The Politics of Taste: Beatriz González and Cold War Aesthetics (Duke University Press, 2019) studies symbolic violence in the context of Cold War aesthetic and modernization discourses. She co-edited with Maureen Shanahan Simón Bolívar: Travels and Transformations of a Cultural Icon (University Press of Florida, 2016) on cultural bolivarianisms as a case for the arts and humanities in democratic thinking. She is currently working on a second monograph, To Weave and Repair: Symbolic Reparations in Colombia’s Peace Process.

Curriculum Vitae

Select Publications

The Politics of Taste: Beatriz González and Cold War Aesthetic Discourses.
Durham N.C.: Duke University Press. 2019
bolivar Simón Bolívar: Travels and Transformations of a Cultural Icon, co-edited with Maureen Shanahan.
Gainesville: The University Press of Florida, 2016.

Related News and Events

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BU Professor provides commentary for film screening at Harvard
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Profesora Reyes en Bogatá, Colombia
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Wednesday, March 28th, Professor Reyes served as a discussant for the Symbolic Reparations in the Americas Roundatable event at Georgetown. …More

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MoMa, 5 Questions with Ana María Reyes
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April 23, Panel Discussion at the MFA
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MFA Colloquium: A Conversation with Antanas Mockus
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