French Poetry & Prose

BU has a longstanding tradition of providing resources in specialized areas of language and literature to a growing audience. The Geddes collection in French Poetry and Prose is no exception, featuring readings by native speakers over the past five decades. In some cases the original author’s voice can be heard. We are pleased to now offer digital versions of selected titles from this collection that were previously only available on cassette or reel to reel tape.

Contact the lab for additional details (poem lists, counter numbers) on select titles.

Click the header to sort by Call Number or Title.

Online listening is available to the BU community by clicking here, or by clicking a specific title below.

Call Number Title
FR  6.003.000 19th century French poetry
FR  6.004.000 Anthology of French poetry: Volume II
FR  6.005.000 Anthology of French poetry: Volume II
FR  6.006.000 Charles Boyer reading: Liberté, egalité, fraternité
FR  6.007.001 Présence d’Albert Camus: Part 1
FR  6.007.002 Présence d’Albert Camus: Part 2
FR  6.008.000 Golden treasury of Valery, Claudel, Saint-John Perse, Mauriac
FR  6.009.000 Corneille; Comedie Francaise: Horace
FR  6.011.000 Andre Gide vous parle
FR  6.012.000 Victor Hugo: Hernani ou l’honneur Castilian (excerpts)
FR  6.013.001 Hugo; Comedie Francais: Ruy Blas: Part 1
FR  6.013.002 Hugo; Comedie Francais: Ruy Blas: Part 2
FR  6.013.003 Hugo; Comedie Francais: Ruy Blas: Part 3
FR  6.015.000 Poems of Verlaine, Rimbaud, & Mallarme
FR  6.016.000 Marivaux: Le jeu de l’amour et du hasard
FR  6.017.001 Moliere: L’avare: Part 1
FR  6.017.002 Moliere: L’avare: Part 2
FR  6.018.001 Le malade imaginaire: Acts 1 & 2
FR  6.018.002 Le malade imaginaire: Act 3
FR  6.019.000 Moliere: Le medecin malgré lui
FR  6.020.000 Moliere: Le misanthrope (extraits)
FR  6.021.000 Moliere: Le Tartuffe comédie (extraits)
FR  6.022.000 Alfred de Musset: Lorenzaccio
FR  6.023.000 Racine: Andromaque
FR  6.024.000 Racine: Berenice
FR  6.025.001 Racine: Britannicus: Part 1
FR  6.025.002 Racine: Britannicus: Part 2
FR  6.026.000 Iphigenie tragedie
FR  6.027.000 Jean Racine: Les plaideurs comedie
FR  6.028.000 Jean Racine: Phedre tragedie
FR  6.029.001 Jean Paul Sarte: Huis clos
FR  6.030.001 Moliere: L’ ecole des femmes: Part 1
FR  6.030.002 Moliere: L’ ecole des femmes: Part 2
FR  6.032.000 Comedies et ballets
FR  6.033.001 Visages de Victor Hugo: Part 1 of 2
FR  6.038.000 Nathalie Sarraute: Roman et realite
FR  6.039.000 De Moliere a Giraudoux – a lecture
FR  6.041.001 Alaine Robbe-Grillet: Realism in fiction:  The new novel and the new cinema: Part 1
FR  6.042.002 Roland Barthes: Flaubert et le travail du style
FR  6.046.001 Jean Malaquais: Gide:  tel qu’en lui-meme; souvenirs personnels: Volume 1
FR  6.047.000 Jean de La Fontaine: Fables de La Fontaine–volume ii
FR  6.048.000 Problems de la creation romanesque
FR  6.049.000 L’ honneur des poetes
FR  6.053.000 Moliere: Les precieuses ridicules
FR  6.054.000 Moliere: Le bourgeois gentilhomme comedie ballet
FR  6.055.001 Moliere: Les fourberies de Scapin
FR  6.056.001 Moliere: Les femmes savantes: Part 1
FR  6.056.002 Moliere: Les femmes savantes: Part 2
FR  6.057.000 Contes choises de Guy de Maupassant Volume II
FR  6.058.000 Colette reads Colette
FR  6.059.000 Fables of La Fontaine, Volume II
FR  6.060.000 Six centuries of recited French, xiii-xviii
FR  6.061.001 La chanson de Roland: Part 1
FR  6.061.002 La chanson de Roland: Part 2
FR  6.062.001 Henry de Montherlant: La reine morte: Part 1
FR  6.062.002 Henry de Montherlant: La reine morte: Part 2
FR  6.063.001 Henry de Montherlant: La ville dont le prince est un enfant: Part 1
FR  6.063.002 Henry de Montherlant: La ville dont le prince est un enfant: Part 2
FR  6.064.000 Moliere: Prologue of Amphitryon
FR  6.066.000 Paul Mankin Reading: Twentieth century French poetry
FR  6.068.000 Contes choisis de Guy de Maupassant, vol. 1
FR  6.069.000 Anouilh: Cecile ou l’ecole des peres
FR  6.070.001 Jules Romains: Knock: Part 1
FR  6.070.002 Jules Romains: Knock: Part 2
FR  6.072.000 Orphee (Cocteau reading)
FR  6.073.000 French short stories
FR  6.074.000 Camus reading from: La peste, La chute, L’ete, L’etranger
FR  6.075.001 Morceux choisis de la Comedie Francaise: Part 1
FR  6.075.002 Morceux choisis de la Comedie Francaise: Part 2
FR  6.077.000 Moliere: Le bourgeois gentilhomme
FR  6.078.000 Moliere: Le malade imaginaire
FR  6.080.000 Les contes merveilleux
FR  6.081.000 Charles Perrault: Les contes de Perrault, volume i
FR  6.082.000 Jean de La Fontaine: Fables de La Fontaine volume i
FR  6.083.000 An anthology of French poetry
FR  6.084.000 Golden treasury of Apollinaire, Cocteau, Eluard, Aragon
FR  6.085.000 Selections from French comedy
FR  6.086.001 Mai 1968: Part 1
FR  6.087.000 Dubious Encounter
FR  6.089.000 Camus: L’etranger (excerpts)
FR  6.090.000 Bernadette racontee par elle-meme
FR  6.091.000 Antoine de Saint Exupery: Le petit prince
FR  6.093.000 L’etranger:  A reading  (extract)
FR  6.094.000 Moliere: Tartuffe
FR  6.095.000 Moliere: Les femmes savantes
FR  6.096.000 Interview with Ionesco, Paris 1969
FR  6.098.000 Lyric Poetry – Provencal & medieval lyric poetry in France
FR  6.099.000 Major speeches 1940-1969 (Charles de Gaulle)
FR  6.101.000 Voix de 8 poetes du Canada
FR  6.102.000 Ionesco: Extraits de Rhinoceros
FR  6.105.000 Selected poetry of Jacques Prevert
FR  6.107.000 Selected poetry of Dubellay, Ronsard, & La Fontaine
FR  6.109.001 Hommage à Louis Jouvet: Part 1
FR  6.109.002 Hommage à Louis Jouvet: Part 2
FR  6.109.003 Hommage à Louis Jouvet: Part 3
FR  6.113.001 Charles Baudelaire: Fleurs du mal
FR  6.114.000 Collection of French poems
FR  6.115.000 Polyeucte
FR  6.116.000 Cocteau reading his prose and poetry
FR  6.117.000 Une rupture, Le tombeau d’Achille
FR  6.118.000 Le jeu de l’amour et du hasard
FR  6.119.000 La putain respecteuse
FR  6.120.001 Berenice: Act I-IV
FR  6.120.002 Berenice: Act IV-END
FR  6.121.001 Voltaire: Candide:  Abridged reading, narration and dialog
FR  6.121.002 Voltaire: Candide:  Abridged reading, narration and dialog
FR  6.122.001 Jean Anouilh: Antigone – Part 1
FR  6.122.002 Jean Anouilh: Antigone – Part 2
FR  6.123.001 Choix de poesies: Part 1
FR  6.123.002 Choix de poesies: Part 2
FR  6.124.001 Les oeufs de l’autruche (author reading)
FR  6.129.002 Development of the French Language in the 18th Century
FR  6.130.000 Poemes de Jacques Prevert: Selections from Paroles
FR  6.131.000 Igor Stravinsky; CF Ramus: L’histoire du soldat
FR  6.133.001 Jaques Offenbach: Orphee aux enfers (Orpheus in the underworld) – Part 1
FR  6.133.002 Jaques Offenbach: Orphee aux enfers (Orpheus in the underworld) – Part 2
FR  6.134.000 Le jeu de Robin et Marion
FR  6.138.001 Readings from Langelier: lectures, conversation, composition – Part 1
FR  6.138.002 Readings from Langelier: lectures, conversation, composition – Part 2
FR  6.138.003 Readings from Langelier: lectures, conversation, composition – Part 3
FR  6.138.004 Readings from Langelier: lectures, conversation, composition – Part 4
FR  6.139.000 Albert Camus vous parle
FR  6.140.000 La guerre d’Algerie
FR  6.142.000 Tristan & Iseut:  Readings and related music
FR  6.143.001 Denis Antoine Huisman: Camus 20 ans apres le Nobel – Part 1
FR  6.143.002 Denis Antoine Huisman: Camus 20 ans apres le Nobel – Part 2
FR  6.144.000 Opinions sur l’art du roman
FR  6.145.000 Ionesco: Le cantatrice chauve
FR  6.147.001 Edmond Rostand: Cyrano de Bergerac: Part 1
FR  6.147.002 Edmond Rostand: Cyrano de Bergerac: Part 2
FR  6.147.003 Edmond Rostand: Cyrano de Bergerac: Part 3
FR  6.148.000 Paroles: Jacques Prevert lit ses poemes
FR  6.149.000 Le jeu de Robin et Marion
FR  6.152.000 Poetes actuels: Prevert & Queneau
FR  6.153.000 Use of language in the Middle Ages – a lecture
FR  6.154.000 Functions of reciprocity… in Mme. de Sevigne’s letters
FR  6.155.000 Leopold Sedar Senghor poems
FR  6.156.000 Medée
FR  6.157.001 Golden treasury of French prose: Volume 1
FR  6.157.002 Golden treasury of French prose: Volume 2
FR  6.157.003 Golden treasury of French prose: Volume 3
FR  6.158.000 French Short Stories Volume II
FR  6.159.000 French African Poems
FR  6.160.000 Antoine de Saint Exupéry vous parle
FR  6.163.000 Barthes: Un homme, une ville:  Marcel Proust’s Paris
FR  6.164.000 Le gaulois: Asterix cartoon adventure
FR  6.165.001 Le Cid: Acts 1&2
FR  6.165.002 Le Cid: Acts 3-5
FR  6.166.001 Dom Juan: Acts 1&2
FR  6.166.002 Dom Juan: Acts 3&4
FR  6.167.001 Le misanthrope: Acts 1&2
FR  6.167.002 Le misanthrope: Acts 3-5
FR  6.168.001 Phedre: Acts 1&2
FR  6.168.002 Phedre: Acts 3-5
FR  6.169.000 Selections from Panaché littéraire