January | February | March | April| May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December


January 27 | The US and Europe: Still Sharing the Same Values?

Quentin Peel
Editor of the Financial Times
Peter Schneider
In cooperation with European Studies at Boston University
and the Goethe-Institut Boston

Listen to this lecture on the EU for You podcast.



March 14 | The Orange Revolution: Ukraine and Russia in Today’s World

Lilia Shevtsova
Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Roman Szporluk
Mykhailo Hrushevs’ky Professor of Ukrainian History at Harvard University

Listen to this lecture on the EU for You podcast.


March 29 | European Constitutional Iconography: The EU Constitutional Treaty and Its Implications for Democracy

Joseph Weiler
Joseph Strauss Professor of Law, New York University

Respondent: Vivien Schmidt
Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration, Department of International Relations, Boston University
Event organized by European Studies at Boston University in cooperation with the Institute for Human Sciences and funded in part by the European Commission.


April 5 | Conference: Muslims in Europe

Opening Remarks: Augustus Richard Norton
Professor of International Relations, Boston University

Keynote Speech: Being British, Feeling Muslim
Farhan Nizami
Director of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies; Prince of Wales Fellow in the Study of the Islamic World, Magdalen College, Oxford

Panel Discussion
Jocelyne Césari
Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University
and Harvard Divinity School; Research Associate, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University
Jytte Klausen
Associate Professor of Comparative Politics, Brandeis University
Ahmet Yükleyen
PhD candidate, Department of Anthropology, Boston University; Junior Visiting Fellow, IWM (July – December 2005)

Moderator: Jenny White
Associate Professor of Anthropology, Boston University
This conference aimed to contribute to the debate on Muslims in Western Europe and the emerging complex role of Muslims and Islam in the European public sphere. Speakers addressed the diverse ethnic, religious, and generational identities among Muslims and explored the ways in which Muslims are adapting and integrating as well as resisting their European setting.

In cooperation with the European Studies at Boston University and funded in part by the European Commission

Listen to the keynote speech on the EU for You podcast.


April 6 | From Elsewhere: Poetry and National Borders

A conversation with:
Piotr Sommer
Polish poet, essayist, and translator, Editor-in-Chief of Literature in the World
Rosanna Warren
Emma MacLachlan Metcalf Professor of the Humanities,
University Professor and Professor of English and Modern Foreign Languages
and Literatures, Boston University

Moderator: Irena Grudzinska Gross
In cooperation with the University Professors at Boston University
and the literary journal AGNI

Listen to this lecture on the EU for You podcast.


April 7 | Where is Britain? The UK, the EU, and the United States

Sir Stephen Wall
Former EU adviser to Prime Minister Tony Blair

Respondent: Stanley Hoffmann
Paul and Catherine Buttenwieser University Professor at Harvard University
In cooperation with the European Studies at Boston University and funded in part by the European Commission

Listen to this lecture on the EU for You podcast.


April 12 | The Future of Humanitarian Aid

Janina Ochojska
President and founder of the Polish Humanitarian Organization
Larry Cox
Senior Program Officer of the Human Rights and
International Cooperation Unit at the Ford Foundation
In cooperation with the Polish American Networking Organization

Listen to this lecture on the EU for You podcast.



May 3 | Jedwabne Debate: Five Years Later

Anna Bikont
Journalist, Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland
Antony Polonsky
Professor of Political Science, Brandeis University
Event organized by the Center for European Studies at Harvard University in cooperation with the Institute for Human Sciences

May 5 | Europe and the United States: A View from Germany

Roland Koch
Minister President of Hesse, Germany

Moderator: William Drozdiak
President, American Council on Germany
In cooperation with the American Council on Germany



September 12 | Building a Transatlantic Alliance for the 21st Century

Benita Ferrero-Waldner
European Union Commissioner for External Relations

Full text of the lecture


September 24-25 | Conference: Values and Social Policy

Giuliano Amato
Member of the Italian Senate; Former Vice-President of the Constitutional
Convention of the European Union; Former Prime Minister of Italy
Rosa DeLauro
Member of Congress, Connecticut, 3rd District
Spencer DiScala
Chairman and Graduate Director, Department of History,
University of Massachusetts-Boston
Jean Bethke Elshtain
Laura Spelman Rockefeller Professor of Social and Political Ethics,
University of Chicago
Mary Ann Glendon
Learned Hand Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
Stanley Greenberg
Chairman and CEO, Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research; Political Strategist
Irena Grudzinska Gross
Executive Director, Institute for Human Sciences, Boston University;
Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures, Boston University
Alfred Gusenbauer
Chairman, Social Democratic Party of Austria
Anton Hemerijck
Director, Governmental Scientific Council, The Netherlands
Danuta Hübner
European Union Commissioner for Regional Policy;
Former Polish Minister for European Affairs
Stephen Kalberg
Associate Professor of Sociology, Boston University;
Affiliate of the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
Ira Katznelson
Ruggles Professor of Political Science and History, Columbia University
Jürgen Kocka
President, Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB);
Professor of History, Free University of Berlin
Janos Kovacs
Professor of Economics; Permanent Fellow,
Institute for Human Sciences (IWM), Vienna
Peter van Lieshout
Member of the Scientific Council for Government Policy;
Professor of Social Policy University of Utrecht;
Krzysztof Michalski
Chairman, Institute for Human Sciences, Boston University;
Professor of Philosophy, Boston University
Ton Nijhuis
Academic Director, Amsterdam Institute for German Studies
Norman Ornstein
Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute
Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa
Member, Executive Board, European Central Bank
Kenneth Prewitt
Carnegie Professor of Public Affairs, Columbia University;
Director 2000 Census
Joel Rogers
Professor of Law, Political Science, and Sociology, University of Wisconsin;
Director, Center on Wisconsin Strategy (COWS)
Michael Sandel
Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Government, Harvard University
Aleksander Smolar
Senior Research Fellow, CNRS, Paris; President, Stefan Batory Foundation, Warsaw
Vladimir Spidla
European Union Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and
Equal Opportunities; former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic
John Sununu
Former Governor of New Hampshire; Former White House Chief-of-Staff
Charles Taylor
Board of Trustees Professor of Law and Philosophy, Northwestern University; Professor Emeritus, McGill University


September 24 | Jacek Kuron Debate

Chair: Charles Taylor
Board of Trustees Professor of Law and Philosophy, Northwestern University; Professor Emeritus, McGill University
Giuliano Amato
Member of the Italian Senate; former Vice-President of the Constitutional
Convention of the European Union; former Prime Minister of Italy
Stanley Greenberg
CEO of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research; Pollster to Bill Clinton,
Tony Blair, Nelson Mandela, Ehud Barak and others
Danuta Hübner
European Union Commissioner for Regional Policy; Former Polish Minister for European Affairs
John Sununu
Former Governor of New Hampshire; former White House Chief-of-Staff

Listen to this debate on the EU for You podcast.


October 3 | Panel discussion: Two Ambassadors on European Union Enlargement

Eva Nowotny
Ambassador of Austria to the United States
Martin Palouš
Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the United States

Listen to this lecture on the EU for You podcast.


October 6 | Panel discussion: Being Muslim in Germany Today

Necla Kelek
Author and Sociologist
Peter Schneider
Author and Journalist
Moderator: Stephen Kinzer
Correspondent, The New York Times
In cooperation with the Goethe Institut Boston and the American Council on Germany

Listen to this lecture on the EU for You podcast.


October 17 | Panel discussion: Being Jewish in Germany Today

Esther Dischereit
Jeffrey Peck
Professor at Georgetown University, Program for Communication,
Culture and Technology; Senior Fellow, American Institute for
Contemporary German Studies (AICGS)
Moderator: Sabine von Mering
Assistant Professor of German, Brandeis University
In cooperation with the Goethe Institut Boston and the American Council on Germany

Listen to this discussion


October 26 | Panel discussion:Two Ambassadors on Transatlantic Relations

John Bruton
Ambassador of the European Union to the United States
Rockwell Schnabel
Former Ambassador of the United States to the European Union
Moderator: Anthony Lewis
Journalist and former New York Times columnist
In cooperation with European Studies at Boston University and Harvard University

Listen to this discussion on the EU for You podcast.



November 7 | Legal Migration and the Fight Against Illegal Immigration

Franco Frattini
Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Freedom, Security, and Justice

Moderator: Elizabeth Prodromou
Assistant Professor of International Relations, Boston University
In cooperation with European Studies at Boston University and Harvard University

Listen to this lecture on the EU for You podcast.


November 10 | Turkey and the EU: Ancient Battles, Current Anxieties and Future Prospects

Seyla Benhabib
Eugene Meyer Professor of Political Science and Philosophy, Yale University

Moderator: Jenny White
Associate Professor of Anthropology, Boston University

Listen to this lecture on the EU for You podcast.


November 7 – 20 | Exhibit: Poland on the Front Page: 1979-1989

The exhibit contained 53 blown up copies of front pages with stories on Poland from the following US titles: The New York Times, Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal during the period 1979 – 1989. The stories covered the historic first visit of Pope John Paul II to Poland, the birth of Solidarity, the imposition of martial law, the round table discussions, and finally, the free elections of 1989.

Juxtaposed with the front-pages from American newspapers were blown-up front pages of the official Polish media during the same decade (Trybuna Ludu, Zycie Warszany, Rzeczpospolita, Gazeta Wyborcza). The exhibition depicted the evolution of journalism in Poland and the role of the media in shaping public perceptions and as an instrument of democracy.

In cooperation with the Polish American Networking Organization

Go to exhibit site

November 14 – 15 | Conference: Media and Politics

Session I: Freedom Movements and the Press
Opening Remarks: John Schulz
Dean, College of Communication, Boston University

Keynote Speaker: Adam Michnik
Editor-in-Chief, Gazeta Wyborcza

Panel Discussion
Chair: Jonathan Schell
Harold Willens Peace Fellow at the Nation Institute;
Peace and Disarmament Correspondent, The Nation
John Darnton
Associate Editor, The New York Times
Jackson Diehl
Deputy Editorial Page Editor, The Washington Post
Martin Simecka
Editor-in-Chief, Sme
Veton Surroi
Member of the Parliament of Kosova for the ORA Civic Group;
Former Chairman, KOHA Media Group, Pristina

Listen to a podcast of the keynote speech
Listen to a podcast of the panel discussion

Session II: Transatlantic Media Wars
Keynote Speaker: Michael Naumann
Publisher, Die Zeit

Panel Discussion
Chair: William Drozdiak
President, American Council on Germany
Sylvie Kauffmann
Le Monde
William Pfaff
Author and syndicated columnist
Jacek Zakowski
Columnist, Polityka Weekly, Poland

Listen to a podcast of the keynote speech
Listen to a podcast of the panel discussion

Session III: The Changing Shape of Today’s Media
Keynote Speaker: Orville Schell
Dean, Berkeley School of Journalism

Panel Discussion
Chair: James Hoge
Editor-in-Chief, Foreign Affairs
Fred Barnes
Executive Editor, The Weekly Standard
Martin Simecka
Editor-in-Chief, Sme
Eugeniusz Smolar
Senior Fellow, Centre for International Relations, Warsaw

Listen to a podcast of the keynote speech
Listen to a podcast of the panel discussion





December 1 | Panel discussion: The Future of Europe

Anatol Lieven
Senior Research Fellow, New America Foundation
Aleksander Smolar
Senior Research Fellow at the CNRS, Paris;
President, Stefan Batory Foundation, Warsaw

Listen to this lecture on the EU for You podcast.
