Tag: economics

Land Economics and Policy

by Ekaterina Gnedenko This module provides a comprehensive introduction to key concepts in land economics, blending economic theory with an exploration of current land-use practices and their environmental impacts. It delves into the efficiency and equity of land markets, and how these are influenced by factors such as land scarcity and capitalization. The module also […]

Developing the Well-being Economy: The Current State of Play

By Tim Thornton A well-being economy is orientated around promoting human well-being and ecological balance rather than focusing on ever increasing economic growth. Encouragingly, the idea of the well-being economy has transitioned from academic and community discussion to something that is being operationalized by governments. The concept of the well-being economy is being translated into […]

Alternatives to Growth-Centric Development

By Erin Lennox and Rebecca Hollender This module considers the problems of environmental degradation and inequality in relation to growth-centric development. Perspectives on alternatives to growth along with related policies, practices and challenges are discussed to explain the need to limit economic activity to within the biophysical limits of the planet. The module features extensive […]

Teaching Modules Roundup: Incorporating Social Issues into Introductory Economics

By Stacey Yuen The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic remains deeply felt in the classroom as a new year has arrived. Beyond the possibility of switching to remote teaching, educators and students alike are contending with questions about whether their curriculum materials effectively reflect the changing realities in their society and the socioeconomic challenges that […]

New Edition of ECI’s Environmental Text Shares Updated Materials on Renewable Energy, Climate Policy and Land Management

By Dr. Brian Roach Twenty years since the initial publication, the Fifth Edition of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: A Contemporary Approach by Jonathan M. Harris and Brian Roach is now available from Routledge. The text provides coverage of core theoretical concepts from environmental and ecological economics, along with topical chapters on climate change, fisheries, […]

Harmonizing the Economy with the Environment: Teaching Modules for a New Approach

By Mohish Agrawal There is increasing demand for an economics curriculum that accounts for the importance of environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss and natural resource degradation. Not only does the environment provide the natural capital essential as inputs to production, it also provides essential services, such as assimilation of waste and provision […]

Rajkarnikar’s Research on Gendered Impacts of Migration Published in REHO

Dr. Pratistha Joshi Rajkarnikar, Associate Director of the Economics in Context Initiative, at Boston University’s Global Development Policy Center, has her research published in the Review of Economics of the Household. In her study, titled ‘Male Migration and Women’s Decision Making in Nepal’, Rajkarnikar examines the changes in women’s decision-making roles due to the foreign […]