Featured Events (August 1 through September 6)
Thursday, August 15
- 6:30 PM Sunset Kayaking
Wednesday, August 21
Thursday, August 22
- 6:30 PM Sunset Kayaking
Monday, August 26
- 5:00 PM Parent and Family Pit Stops
Tuesday, August 27
Friday, August 30
- 3:00 PM Graduate Resource Fair
- 8:00 PM Weeks of Welcome: Ice Cream Social
Saturday, August 31
- 8:00 AM All Dining Rooms Officially Open
- 10:00 AM Weeks of Welcome: Beach Towel Yoga
- 5:00 PM Parent and Family Pit Stops
- 8:00 PM Weeks of Welcome: Atlas BU Night Market
Sunday, September 1
- 12:30 PM Matriculation Walk
- 2:00 PM Matriculation
- 8:30 PM Weeks of Welcome: BINGO
Tuesday, September 3
- 9:00 AM Immunization Clinic
- 11:00 AM Weeks of Welcome: First Day Festival
Wednesday, September 4
- 9:00 AM Immunization Clinic
- 4:30 PM The Desire to Heal: A Doctor’s Education in Empathy, Identity, and Poetry
- 6:00 PM International student Free Pizza Party
- 8:00 PM Sargent Choice Test Kitchen
Thursday, September 5
- 9:00 AM Immunization Clinic
- 11:00 AM BU Farmer's Market
- Student Open House at Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies
- 5:00 PM LGBTQ+ CFA Student Meet-Up and Mixer
Friday, September 6
- 9:00 AM Immunization Clinic