Interprofessional Leadership in Healthcare Certificate Using an Alumni Mentoring Approach

This project is a collaboration between the College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College (Sargent College) and the School of Social Work (SSW) to create a non-credit online certificate in Interprofessional Leadership in Healthcare Certificate Using an Alumni Mentoring Approach. This certificate highlights the vast experiences of Boston University alumni by engaging them as e-mentors in five one-month online courses. The goal of the certificate is to increase healthcare professionals’ skills and knowledge in interprofessional leadership.

BU Digital Learning & Innovation

Most healthcare professionals who assume leadership roles have not had any leadership training and are often ill-equipped to lead interprofessional teams. Regularly, they learn leadership and management skills on the job while in leadership positions. Consequently, their effectiveness as an interprofessional team leader is limited. This certificate will help prepare healthcare professionals with the skills to better coordinate and deliver services which ultimately will result in better healthcare outcomes. The certificate focuses on team-based approaches that capitalize on authentic case studies, simulations, and exercises, using an alumni mentorship model that leverages technology, such as Project ECHO® and Zoom, and engagement with BU alumni.

For more information about the Interprofessional Leadership in Healthcare Certificate, please visit the certificate page.

In the News

  • May 2023 Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice: Impact of the Interprofessional Leadership in Healthcare Certificate on health professionals’ collaboration and leadership abilities. Read more.
  • BU School of Social Work News Announcement, February 9, 2021: BUSSW & Sargent College Launch Joint Online Certificate Program: Building Interprofessional Leadership in Healthcare Through Alumni Mentorship. Read more.
  • Jacobs, K., Slater, C., Keefe, B. (2022, October 28). Interprofessional leadership In healthcare certificate: Pilot Study. Presentation at the Massachusetts Association for Occupational Therapy. Norwood, MA.
  • Jacobs, K., Slater, C., Keefe, B. (2022, October 12). Development and Evaluation of the Interprofessional leadership in healthcare certificate. Fellows’ poster presentation at the 66th Human Factors & Ergonomics Society International annual meeting. Atlanta, GA.
  • Slater, C., Jacobs, K., & Keefe, B. (2022, September 13). Interprofessional leadership in healthcare certificate using an alumni mentoring approach.  Conference presentation at Nexus Summit 2022, Minneapolis, MN, United States.
  • Jacobs, K., Slater, C., and Keefe, B. (2022, August 30). The Boston University Interprofessional Leadership in Healthcare Certificate Using an Alumni Mentoring Approach. Workshop presented at World Federation of Occupational Therapists Congress. Paris, France.

Project Team, Alumni Advisory Board & Partners

Karen Jacobs Headshot

Karen Jacobs, OT, Ed.D., OT, OTR, CPE, FAOTA

Project Team

Karen Jacobs earned a doctoral degree at the University of Massachusetts in Educational Leadership in Schooling, a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy at Boston University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. She is an occupational therapist

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