Learn More Series: Queerfolk, Transfolk, Fatfolk, Blackfolk: Intersections of Queer and Black Identities

To be Black and queer is to live at the margins within the margins, erased from both mainstream heteronormative culture and white-dominant LGBTQIA+ culture. It means inhabiting a body that is hypervisible, overpoliced, and under constant threat from society. It also means inhabiting a body in a world where desirability is political, a form of […]

BU Today: POV, Higher Ed Institutions Would Benefit from Hiring More Faculty and Staff with Disabilities

“As a person with a disability, this course was the first time I felt like I belonged in academia. I’ve been a BU student for almost two years, but it wasn’t until this course that I began to identify with the school. The sense of community felt is largely due to inclusive curriculum and exploring […]

Vote Like Your Health Depends on It

If mismanagement of a pandemic, widespread corruption, impeachment, the end of government oversight and accountability, racism, the caging of immigrant children, abuse of the powers of the state, and continued voter suppression are not enough to decide your vote this election season, here are seven public health issues that might guide your thinking. The four […]

Black Boston Virtual Series

BU Diversity & Inclusion, Initiative on Cities, and WBUR CitySpace hosted a virtual discussion series featuring transformative Black leaders from across Greater Boston.  The series provided a forum to examine our city’s progress toward inclusive access, equity and opportunity. Black Boston: Building Healthy Communities 7/30/20 Black Boston: Telling Our Stories 8/27/20 Black Boston: Changing the […]

Diversity 4.0 in the cardiovascular health-care workforce

The disparities amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic present disturbing evidence that we are far from cardiovascular health-care equity. Individuals, leaders and institutions must prioritize research, policies and structures to advance diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging — Diversity 4.0, a justice imperative, essential to advancing workforce excellence and cardiovascular health.