Assistive Technology
FM Systems
FM systems are devices used to amplify sound. These sets consist of two main devices: the transmitter and the receiver. The transmitter is given to the speaker along with the included microphone that they can clip to their shirt. The student can then plug the receiver into the included pair of headphones to hear the professor. Volume can be adjusted on the receiver. The receiver can also be directly connected to a hearing aid via an additional attachment called the Neckloop Telecoil Coupler. The coupler is attached to the auxiliary port of the receiver in the same way as headphones.
Dorm Kit
A set of visual resources are available for students to set up in dorm rooms. This includes visual fire alarms linked to a flashing light as well as a visual as an alternative to having visitors knock on their door. The doorbell unit is attached to the wall outside next to the door. When the button is pushed, a light flashes on the main component of the system which is kept inside the dorm. Both visual fire alarms and visual doorbells can also be attached to a bed-shaker unit that will also activate when the doorbell is pressed.
In the case of students using remote CART services, the Revolabs wireless microphones are a method of communication between the instructor and the CART provider. The student plugs the base of the system into their computer using the included USB cord. The student then adjusts the sound settings on their computer so that input sound is set to the Revolabs device, and can then launch the telecommunication program being used by their CART provider. The speaker then clips the included microphone to their shirt. This allows the professor’s speech to be sent to the CART provider to be translated in real time.
A Smartpen is a ballpoint pen with an embedded computer and digital audio recorder. When it is used with special digital paper, it records what it writes for later uploading to a computer, and synchronizes those notes with any audio it has recorded while those notes were being taken.