Uploading an Exam

With the opening of the ATC, the burden is no longer on the individual faculty member to provide exam accommodations to students. However, you will still need to provide DAS access to the test sheet in order for us to proctor it correctly. To provide this access, you must upload your exams to Accommodate. Instructions for uploading an exam can be found below.

  1. Log in to the Accommodate Faculty portal here.
  2. When prompted, enter your BU ID and password.
  3. Click Courses on the left.
  4. Click the correct course at the bottom of the page.
  5. If the exam has already been scheduled with the Academic Testing Center by the student, click Alternative Test Room Bookings. The exam booking will be listed below. If the student has not scheduled the exam yet, click Exam and then Add New Exam instead to upload the exam in advance. The student will be able to select your exam when they schedule taking the exam.
  6. Enter the Title of the exam.
  7. Under Description, enter your policy for late students and any other relevant details for this exam.
  8. If this is taking place after the last day of classes, select “Yes” next to Final Exam. If it’s not, enter the Test Length in minutes.
  9. Enter the date the class is taking the exam under both Start Date and End Date. Restrict the Date to the same date as the exam is typically taken. If it’s a makeup exam, choose the correct range of dates.
  10. Attach the exam file by clicking Upload File.
  11. Under Apply to All Records, select whether this submission is for all exams for this course on that date being taken at the Academic Testing Center.
  12. Click Submit And Return To List.
  13. You will receive an email notification when the Center approves a booked time for the exam. You will also receive an email notification when the completed exam is available for download.

Accessing Completed Exams

  1. To download the completed exam, log in to the Accommodate Faculty portal.
  2. Select the course.
  3. Click the Alternative Test Room Bookings tab.
  4. Click the link to the completed exam file below the exam. The completed exam will now open.

More detailed instructions on how to upload or access exams, including photos, can be viewed here.

You can contact the Academic Testing Center at 617-358-8378 or testing@bu.edu. Please read the following FAQs before contacting us:


Last updated – January 16, 2025