
Systems neuroscientists study how the interactions of populations of neurons in brain circuits underlie behavior. This includes studying the brain systems involved in functions such as learning and memory, speech and hearing, perception and attention, decision-making, and movement. Understanding these functional interactions in different brain regions is critical to our understanding of neurological and psychiatric diseases. Researchers in the Center for Systems Neuroscience develop and use novel techniques in areas including neurophotonics and optogenetics, neuroimaging, neurophysiology, and computational neuroscience.

The broad range of systems neuroscience research at Boston University is facilitated by the Center for Systems Neuroscience, a unified community of investigators from multiple research units on our Charles River and Medical Campuses.

The neuroscience mission of Boston University resonates with a shared belief that major discoveries will come from innovative thinking that is the outgrowth of an interdisciplinary community of faculty and students.


We will miss our colleague Howard Eichenbaum (1947-2017).