Message from the Director

Welcome to the Boston University Center for Systems Neuroscience (CSN) web page. Systems neuroscience at Boston University includes a broad range of cutting-edge topics and innovative techniques, ranging from whole brain human neuroimaging to manipulating and recording activity of large populations of individual neurons to measuring the detailed anatomy and molecular biology of neural circuits.  This research has opened new frontiers in exploring the functional computations of neural circuits and understanding the breakdown of neural circuits in disease. The CSN provides a unifying administrative structure to enhance research, foster collaboration and support recruitment of new researchers in multiple colleges and departments at Boston University. This website provides information about the activities of the center, including the seminars and events organized by the center, the funding obtained by the center, the leadership and administration of the center, the post-doctoral fellows funded by the center, and the research being performed by center faculty.

Michael E. Hasselmo, D.Phil.
Director of the Center for Systems Neuroscience
Boston University