
2018 Institute on Health Services Research

Quality Strategies in Rehabilitation: Advancing Health Services Research

Co-sponsored by CoHSTAR & the Center for Large Data Research & Data Sharing in Rehabilitation (CLDR)

“Building scientific capacity to advance the practice of rehabilitation science will only be achieved with extensive collaboration between institutions and across research disciplines.”Ken Ottenbacher, PhD, OTR, CLDR Program Director

“I am particularly excited that this year’s HSR Institute will bring together colleagues from across the rehabilitation disciplines to focus on research strategies to evaluate and improve quality of care. This will be a unique opportunity for attendees to learn about quality initiatives from nationally known thought leaders, deepen their understanding of health services research methods, and develop collegial relationships both within and across disciplinary boundaries.” Linda Resnik, PT, PhD, FAPTA, CoHSTAR Director 

Wednesday, April 4, 2018 (evening only)
Thursday, April 5, 2018 (full day)
Boston University

Don’t miss this groundbreaking collaboration! CoHSTAR is pleased to announce that for our third health services research institute, we will be partnering with the CLDR. The Institute will focus on advancing health services research and quality strategies. Quality goals and outcomes have important implications for health services research in rehabilitation.

Join us in Boston this spring for this exciting partnership between CoHSTAR and the CLDR!