Positions Held
Professor, Boston University, 1994-2016
Associate Professor, Boston University, 1993-1994
Adjunct Professor, Boston University, 1987-1992
Professor, University of Tübingen, 1987
Visiting Professor, University of Washington (Seattle), 1985
Visting Scholar, University of Jena (East Germany), 1985
Senior Research Fellow, University of Tübingen, 1981
Visiting Professor, University of Stuttgart, 1978
Assistant Professor, University of Tübingen, 1965-1971
Major Editorships/Leaderships
Director, Institute for the Classical Tradition (ICT), 1991-2013
Co-President/President, International Society for the Classical Tradition (ISCT), 1991-1994/1995-2013
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal for the Classical Tradition, 18 vols., 1994-2011.
Co-Editor/Editor-in-Chief, Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt (ANRW), 89 vols., 1968-1973/1973-1999.
Wolfgang Haase studied ‘Classical Philology’ (Greek and Latin languages and literatures), Ancient History, and Philosophy at the University of Frankfurt and the University of Tübingen. His doctoral dissertation, submitted at the University of Tübingen, was dedicated to the Neopythagorean philosopher Nicomachus of Gerasa and the transmission and reception of his work on arithmetic. His research interests have been and are in the fields of ancient philosophy and science, Greek and Roman ruler cult, ancient and Renaissance historiography and generally the Classical Tradition (transmission and reception of the classical heritage). In addition to his teaching at the University of Tübingen (esp. its Leibniz Honors College) and at Boston University, also serving as director of Boston University’s Institute for the Classical Tradition (from 1991-2013), much of his scholarly work has been dedicated to his role as ‘involved’ Editor of the 89-volume hand book style series Austieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt (ANRW)/Rise and Decline of the Roman World (1968-1999) and of vols. 1-18 (1994-2011) of the cross-disciplinary International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT).
“Ein vermeintliches Aristotelesfragment bei Johannes Philoponos,” in Synusia. Festgabe für Wolfgang Schadewaldt z. 15 März 1965, ed. by H. Flashar and K. Gaiser (Pfullingen: 1965), pp. 323-354.
Nikomachos von Gerasa: Umwelt, Leben, Werk, Wirkung, Doctoral Dissertation (Tübingen: University of Tübingen 1971).
“Großmut,” in: Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie III (Basel and Stuttgart: 1974), cols. 887-900.
“Der hellenistische Beitrag zum Synkretismus im Vorderen Orient” (with A. Böhlig and M. Hengel), in: Universität Gottingen, Sonderforschungsbereich Orientalistik (Göttingen: 1974), pp. 291-345.
“Voraussetzungen und Motive des Herrscherkultes von Kommagene,” Antike Welt 1975, Special Issue: “Kommagene,” pp. 17-21.
“Materialien zum Zielbegriff in der griechischen und lateinischen Literatur,” Appendix to: R. Alpers-Gölz, Der Begriff SKOPOS in der Stoa und seine Vorgeschichte [Spudasmata VIII] (Hildesheim and New York: 1976), pp. 207-272.
“’Si vis pacem, para bellum,’ Zur Beurteilung militärischer Stärke in der römischen Kaiserzeit,” in: Akten des XI. Internationalen Limeskongresses (Szekesfehervar, 30 Aug.- 6 Sept. 1976] (Budapest: 1977), pp. 723-755.
“Spätantike und Germanentum. Karl Friedrich Stroheker 65,” Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte 37 (1978 [1981]), pp. 15-26.
Untersuchungen zu Nikomachos von Gerasa (Tübingen: 1982), 447 pp.
“Rome and the Anglicans–The Anglicans and Rome,” Editor’s Postscript in: Rome and the Anglicans. Historical and Doctrinal Aspects of Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations, ed. by Wolfgang Haase (Berlin and New York: 1982), pp. 283-289.
“‘Aufstieg and Niedergang der Romischen Welt.’ Ein Bericht” (with Hildegard Temporini), Tübinger Universitätszeitung 36 (1987), pp. 12-13.
“The Stoic Wise Man (Commentary on M. Reesor),” Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 5 (1989), pp. 124-134.
“Verzeichnis der Schriften von Karl Friedrich Stroheker,” Historia 39 (1990), pp. 257-260.
“Antikerezeption–eine neue Disziplin?” Tübinger Universitätszeitung 53 (1992), pp. 8-9.
Newsletter of the Institute for the Classical Tradition (Boston University) and the International Society for the Classical Tradition, nos. 17/18 (1993), 16 pp.
“America and the Classical Tradition,” in: Wolfgang Haase and Meyer Reinhold (eds.), The Classical Tradition and the Americas, vol. I. 1 (Berlin and New York: 1994), pp. v-xxxiii.
Newsletter of the Institute for the Classical Tradition (Boston University) and the International Society for the Classical Tradition, nos. 19/20 (Spring, 1994), 20 pp.
“Mitteilung: International Society for the Classical Tradition (ISCT), IVth Meeting, Tübingen, July 29—August 2, 1998,” Arcadia. Zeitschrift für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft 33 (1998), pp. 259-261.
“In Memoriam Meyer Reinhold (1909-2002),” in International Journal of the Classical Tradition 9 (2002/2003), pp. 3-7.
“Marc-Antoine Muret, first political commentator on Tacitus,” accepted for publication in Antike und Abendland. Beiträge zum Verständnis der Griechen und Römer und ihres Nachlebens.
In Preparation
“Severus Alexander und Joseph II. Ein ‘Parallelismus historicus’ des 18. Jahrhunderts und die Wirkung der Historia Augusta”
“Ovinius Camillus redivivus. Zur Adaptation einer Episode der Historia Augusta auf dem spanischen Hoftheater des späten 17. Jahrhunderts”
“Rezeptions-und Wirkungsgeschichte der Historia Augusta in Spätmittelalter und früher Neuzeit (14.-18. Jahrhundert). Übersicht und Orientierung”
“Gods, Men, Godmen. Aspects of Philosophical and Political Theology in the Fourth Century B.C.”
“Ernst Bloch on Wisdom. Use and Abuse of Classical Philosophy in the Work of a German Marxist Intellectual,” to be offered to The Journal of the History of Ideas.