Novartis Lecture
The Novartis Lecture is sponsored by the Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research (NIBR) to feature the most innovative scientists working in synthetic organic chemistry today.
Lambert Lecture
The Lambert Lecture is supported by an endowment established by alumnus Benjamin Lambert, who earned his bachelor’s degree in chemistry at Boston University (CAS’55). After graduating from law school, he went on to pursue a distinguished career as a patent attorney with such major pharmaceutical companies as Merck and Johnson & Johnson. Each year, the Lambert Lecture addresses different topics in organic chemistry, the field of Lambert’s undergraduate and graduate studies, and features some of the most distinguished and creative scientists working in the field of organic chemistry today.
Gil Jones Lecture
The Guilford Jones, II Lectureship in Photochemistry is supported by an endowment established in honor of previous Chair and Professor of the Department of Chemistry, Guilford Jones. Professor Jones joined the BU in 1971 and served on the faculty for 38 years. The Gil Jones Lectures cover relevant and timely topics related to photochemistry.