Karen Allen featured in C&EN

Model of PglC crystal structure sitting in a cell membrane. Bent α-helix (blue) reaches halfway into the membrane lipid bilayer.
Model of PglC crystal structure sitting in a cell membrane. Bent α-helix (blue) reaches halfway into the membrane lipid bilayer.

Professor Karen Allen‘s work with Dr. Barbara Imperiali of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and their research groups work on the 2.7-Å-resolution crystal structure of a phosphoglycosyl transferase called PglC were featured in C&EN Structural Biology on May 23rd, 2018.

As Co-PI on a National Institute of Health grant, Dr. Allen and Dr. Imperiali’s work on PglC has allowed them to uncover the enzyme’s unique mechanism, which permits hydrophilic and hydrophobic molecules to interact without ever having to leave their natural environments. 

Read more about their research here.