Administrative Resources

Desktop Support Links

Additional Network Access

To request additional network access, download and return our Network Access Request form.

Card Swipe Access

For card swipe access to Financial Affairs’s secure areas, contact Brian Masterson. Systems Support can also help with questions about card swipe, access control, and other security measures for your department. Please contact us to find out more.



Boston University has a Policies Web Page for the community. The purpose of the site is to aggregate all policies across the university in a one-stop shop for the BU community. Nested inside are all of our Financial Affairs specific policies under the tab heading- Finance & Administration. Please click here to view all of the current policies (Kerberos password required).

Policy Changes:

All policies uploaded to this page are monitored by the Office of the Senior Vice President, CFO & Treasurer in collaboration with Compliance Services. Although individual departments are responsible for ensuring that policies are current, the administrative department will monitor content on this page and will ensure that individual departments are reviewing all policies on an annual basis.

Please submit all changes to existing policies, or requests to add additional new policies to Brian Masterson. This process will ensure that all web content affiliated with Financial Affairs is accurate, consistent and user-friendly to the BU Community.

Learn More