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There are 4 comments on BU Launches Coronavirus Website

  1. Hi Daniel,
    I think the easiest thing to do may be this: prior to class speak with the instructor & ask them to make an announcement. As well, on chalkboard or white board — write out the reminder. Hope this helps!

  2. Could you also include recommendations specifically for PhD students? I came to another state on March 6th. Should I remain here? I was wondering if the University’s rule on having students not return to campus is also applicable to graduate students. Thanks!

      Are we really acting or just reacting on corona virus fears

      Question 5 It is said Corona is more contagious and have more fatality rate then flu like Dengu how is that correct ?
      Reasoning for Question 5
      but still % of deaths by covid is much less then that happens by dengu in whole world even mortality rate of covid is more so by that theory the spread of dengu is many folds then covid and even with its medicine available it is far deadly then why lock down on covid and not such drastic steps related to dengu and restrictions not applied and dengu is only one kind and there are many so we should act like covid in sll those? and if not then why on covid only?

      Question 6 Where does the water of Corona infected cleaning goes and why does it not effects the water as it mixes with other water does corona virus does not effects the water if so then why is there no correct information about it and its preventions ?

      For all questions see

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