• Amy Laskowski

    Senior Writer Twitter Profile

    Photo of Amy Laskowski. A white woman with long brown hair pulled into a half up, half down style and wearing a burgundy top, smiles and poses in front of a dark grey backdrop.

    Amy Laskowski is a senior writer at Boston University. She is always hunting for interesting, quirky stories around BU and helps manage and edit the work of BU Today’s interns. She did her undergrad at Syracuse University and earned a master’s in journalism at the College of Communication in 2015. Profile

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There are 4 comments on Sex on the BU Beach

  1. why do they write “FREE ALCOHOL AND SEX…” to try to get our attention like its some ridiculously awesome event, when its some awareness, education blah blah blah. Quit fishing for the confused scan-it-once-and-show-up market, there will be a lot of disappointed attendees.

  2. I understand that awareness is crucial the title of this article is to capitalize on the fact that sex sells attendance –

    But I do not appreciate BU Today sending emails with such titles to my mailbox. It is crass and further denigrates an act that our society has greatly cheapened.

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