The following courses will be offered during the Spring 2024 semester. Please see the BU Bulletin for the most up-to-date information regarding course offerings, meeting times, and locations.
CAS AN 508 Landscape Archaeology
4 credits. Either sem. First-Year Writing Seminar (e.g., WR 100 or 120).
A seminar-style introduction to "landscape archaeology," a theoretical and methodological approach that explores how past and present communities create (and are in turn affected by) "cultural landscapes" formed through the interplay of sociocultural values and the natural environment. Effective Spring 2024, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU HUB areas: Writing-Intensive Course, Social Inquiry I, Critical Thinking.
Section A1, SPRG 2024Landscape Arch Jan 18th to Apr 30th
02:00:00 PM–03:15:00 PM
STO 253
CAS AN 510 Proposal Writing for Social Science Research
4 credits. 2nd sem. consent of instructor.graduate student standing in the social sciences or humanities.
Workshop-based course designed to turn students' intellectual interests into answerable, field-based research questions. Goal is the production of a doctoral level research project proposal and/or dissertation prospectus.
Section A1, SPRG 2024Proposal Prep Jan 24th to May 1st
08:00:00 AM–10:45:00 AM
STO 243
CAS AN 519 Theory and Method in Environmental Archaeology
4 credits. CAS AR 307.
BU Hub Learn More Scientific Inquiry II Oral and/or Signed Communication Teamwork/Collaboration
Problem-based course where students apply quantitative methods across archaeological datasets to address complex problems of human-environmental relationships rooted in deep time. Through teamwork-based research projects students develop marketable skills in research design, theory integration, and data analysis and visualization. Effective Spring 2023, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Scientific Inquiry II, Quantitative Reasoning II, Teamwork/Collaboration.
Section A1, SPRG 2024T/MET Env Arch Jan 18th to Apr 30th
12:30:00 PM–01:45:00 PM
STO 243
CAS AN 524 Seminar: Language and Culture Contact in Africa
4 credits. consent of instructor.
Focuses on language and culture contact in Africa. Provides students with a foundation in the research on contact linguistics, language and culture change, and the relationship between language variation and gender, ethnicity, religion, and youth culture.
Section A1, SPRG 2024Lang Contact Jan 19th to May 1st
02:30:00 PM–03:20:00 PM
CGS 111B
CAS AN 550 Human Osteology
4 credits. Either sem. CAS AN 102 or CAS AN 331; or consent of instructor.
Function, development, variation, and pathologies of the human musculoskeletal system, emphasizing issues of human evolution. Basic processes of bone biology and how they are affected by use, age, sex, diet, and disease. Meetings are predominantly lab oriented. Effective Fall 2020, this course fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: Scientific Inquiry I.
Section A1, SPRG 2024Human Osteology Jan 19th to Apr 26th
02:30:00 PM–05:15:00 PM
CAS 335
CAS AN 555 Evolutionary Medicine
4 credits. CAS AN 102 or CAS BI 107; or equivalent, and one additional biological anthropology course; or consent of instructor.
BU Hub Learn More Scientific Inquiry II Oral and/or Signed Communication Teamwork/Collaboration
Why do we get sick? Evolutionary medicine seeks to answer this question by applying modern evolutionary theory to understanding health and disease among contemporary human populations. Topics include chronic and infectious disease, mental illness, allergies, autoimmunity, and drug addiction. Effective Fall 2020, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Oral and/or Signed Communication, Scientific Inquiry II, Teamwork/Collaboration.
Section A1, SPRG 2024Evo Medicine Jan 19th to Apr 26th
11:15:00 AM–02:00:00 PM
PLS 312B
CAS AN 558 The Evolutionary Biology of Human Sex Differences
4 credits. CAS AN 102; or (CASBI107 & CASBI119), or consent of instructor.
BU Hub Learn More Philosophical Inquiry and Life's Meanings Oral and/or Signed Communication Research and Information Literacy
Are sex and gender instantiated in the body? This seminar explores evolutionary approaches to investigating sex differences in human behavior and physiology from phylogenetic, mechanistic, and developmental perspectives. Topics include gender expression, non-binary sex/gender, aggression, mate choice, cognition, and more. Effective Spring 2024, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Oral and/or Signed Communication, Philosophical Inquiry and Life's Meanings, Research and Information Literacy.
Section A1, SPRG 2024Sex Differences Jan 18th to Apr 30th
11:00:00 AM–12:15:00 PM
PLS 102
CAS AN 563 Religion and Politics across Cultures
4 credits. Either sem. junior or senior standing; or consent of instructor.
BU Hub Learn More Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy Social Inquiry II
Explores the role of religion, religious movements, and secularism in modern politics, citizenship, gender politics, and public life. Case studies draw from Muslim-majority lands, Africa and Latin America, East-Southeast Asia, and the modern West. Effective Spring 2021, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy, Social Inquiry II.
Section A1, SPRG 2024Relig & Pol Jan 18th to Apr 30th
12:30:00 PM–01:45:00 PM
CAS 235
CAS AN 590 Theory, Method, and Techniques in Fieldwork
4 credits. Either sem. consent of instructor.consent of instructor.
Hands-on experimentation with and theoretical implications of a variety of methods for anthropological ethnographic field research, including posing research questions, research design and ethics, data collection, analysis, and initial write-up.
Section A1, SPRG 2024Sem-Tech Fld Wk Jan 23rd to Apr 30th
03:30:00 PM–06:15:00 PM
PLS 102
GRS AN 701 Anthropology Across Sub-Disciplines
4 credits. Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
An examination of current and historical perspectives across sub-disciplines of Anthropology: Social Anthropology, Biological Anthropology, and Archaeology. Explores how methodologies, theories and interpretations have changed as disciplines have developed.
Section A1, SPRG 2024an Acrs Sub-Dis Jan 24th to May 1st
08:00:00 AM–10:45:00 AM
PLS 102
GRS AN 704 Sociocultural Theory: Contemporary Currents
4 credits. 2nd sem. Required of first-year graduate students and open to students in related disciplines with the consent of the instructor.
Examination of major theoretical trends and debates in anthropological theory from the 1970s to present.
Section A1, SPRG 2024Contemp Cult an Jan 22nd to Apr 29th
02:30:00 PM–05:15:00 PM
PLS 102
GRS AN 707 Turkey & Middle East in Comparative Perspective (Area)
4 credits. Either sem.
Explores the social and cultural diversity of the modern Middle East with particular attention to Turkey. Focus on state power, minority governance, gender, and the interplay of sociopolitical change and different articulations of tradition and modernity.
Section A1, SPRG 2024Turk&Me Perspec Jan 18th to Apr 30th
12:30:00 PM–01:45:00 PM
CAS 214
GRS AN 717 Power and Society in the Middle East
4 credits. Either sem. CAS AN 101 or consent of instructor
Peoples and cultures of the Middle East from Afghanistan to Morocco and from the Caucasus to Yemen. Focuses on social organization, family structure, the relationship between the sexes, and the development and maintenance of authority
Section A1, SPRG 2024Middle East Jan 19th to May 1st
01:25:00 PM–02:15:00 PM
CAS 214
GRS AN 719 Anthropology of Muslim Cultures and Politics (Area)
4 credits. Either sem. graduate standing. CAS AN 101 or another anthropology course is strongly recommended.
BU Hub Learn More Historical Consciousness Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy
Explores Muslim societies' ongoing struggle over the forms and meanings of Muslim culture and politics. Examines the implications of these struggles for religious authority, gender ideals, citizenship, civil society, and democracy. Effective Fall 2019, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Historical Consciousness, Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy.
Section A1, SPRG 2024Muslim Cultures Jan 18th to Apr 30th
03:30:00 PM–04:45:00 PM
CAS 218
GRS AN 720 Women in the Muslim World
4 credits.
BU Hub Learn More Social Inquiry I Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy Research and Information Literacy
A cross-cultural approach to the diversity and complexity of women's lives in the Muslim world, including the United States. Looks at issues such as gender equality, civil society and democracy, sex segregation and sexual politics, kinship and marriage, and veiling. Effective Spring 2020, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Social Inquiry I, Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy, Research and Information Literacy
Section A1, SPRG 2024Muslim Women Jan 18th to Apr 30th
11:00:00 AM–12:15:00 PM
CAS 214
GRS AN 730 From Conception to Death: The Evolution of Human Life History
4 credits. Either sem.
Life history is the story of the human lifespan. This course uses an evolutionary and comparative framework to understand fundamental features of the human life course, such as birth, growth, sexual maturity, and death. Effective Fall 2018, this course carries a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Scientific Inquiry II, Research and Information Literacy.
Section A1, SPRG 2024Evo Lifehistory Jan 19th to May 1st
01:25:00 PM–02:15:00 PM
CAS 228
GRS AN 772 Psychological Anthropology
4 credits. Either sem.
A cross-cultural, discussion-driven examination of the practices and meanings of care and how it relates to cultural conceptualizations of (gendered) subjectivity, mind-bodies, medicine, ethics, justice, politics, and the psychological and social relations between individuals and their communities and institutions.
Section A1, SPRG 2024Psych Anthro Jan 18th to Apr 30th
09:30:00 AM–10:45:00 AM
CAS 223
GRS AN 775 Culture, Society, and Religion in South Asia
4 credits.
BU Hub Learn More Aesthetic Exploration Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy
Ethnographic and historical introduction to the Indian subcontinent with a focus on the impact of religion on cultural practices and social institutions. Effective Spring 2023, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy, Aesthetic Exploration.
Section A1, SPRG 2024Cltr/Rn S.ASIA Jan 18th to Apr 30th
02:00:00 PM–03:15:00 PM
GRS AN 784 Anthropology of Religion
4 credits. Either sem.
Myth, ritual, and religious experience across cultures. Special attention to the problem of religious symbolism and meaning, religious conversion and revitalization, contrasts between traditional and world religions, and the relation of religious knowledge to science, magic, and ideology. This course fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub areas: Historical Consciousness, Social Inquiry I.
Section A1, SPRG 2024Grad Anth Relig Jan 18th to Apr 30th
11:00:00 AM–12:15:00 PM
PRB 148