The following courses are offered within the anthropology department at the graduate level. Please see the BU Bulletin for the most up-to-date information regarding course offerings, meeting times, and locations.
CAS AN 505 Women and Social Change in Asia (area)
4 credits. Either sem.
Examines how women have affected andbeen affected by economic and cultural changes in China, Japan, and India. Particular attention paid to women's education, health, child rearing, and labor force participation. (Counts towards the Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies minor and the Asian Studies minor.)
Section A1, SPRG 2023S:Asian Women Jan 23rd to May 1st
02:30:00 PM–05:15:00 PM
CAS 537A
CAS AN 510 Proposal Writing for Social Science Research
4 credits. 2nd sem. consent of instructor.graduate student standing in the social sciences or humanities.
Intended for PhD students in the social sciences or humanites and undergraduates already admitted to the Anthropology Honors Program. Workshop-based course designed to turn students' intellectual interests into answerable, field-based research questions. Goal is the production of an honors or doctoral level research project proposal and/or dissertation prospectus.
Section A1, SPRG 2023Proposal Prep Jan 19th to May 2nd
09:30:00 AM–10:45:00 AM
PLS 102
CAS AN 519 Theory and Method in Environmental Archaeology
4 credits. CAS AR 307.
Problem-based course where students apply quantitative methods across archaeological datasets to address complex problems of human-environmental relationships rooted in deep time. Through teamwork-based research projects students develop marketable skills in research design, theory integration, and data analysis and visualization.
Section A1, SPRG 2023T/MET Env Arch Jan 19th to Apr 27th
03:30:00 PM–06:15:00 PM
CAS 335
CAS AN 530 Global Intimacies: Sex, Gender, and Contemporary Sexualities
4 credits. junior or senior standing or consent of instructor.
Explores theoretical and ethnographic approaches to gender, sex, and sexuality as linked to globalizing discourses and transnational mobilities. Readings and discussion emphasize intersections of sex, gender, labor, love, and marriage in a globalized world.
Section A1, SPRG 2023Global Intimacy Jan 24th to May 2nd
03:30:00 PM–06:15:00 PM
PLS 102
CAS AN 555 Evolutionary Medicine
4 credits. CAS AN 102 or CAS BI 107; or equivalent, and one additional biological anthropology course; or consent of instructor.
BU Hub Learn More Scientific Inquiry II Oral and/or Signed Communication Teamwork/Collaboration
Why do we get sick? Evolutionary medicine seeks to answer this question by applying modern evolutionary theory to understanding health and disease among contemporary human populations. Topics include chronic and infectious disease, mental illness, allergies, autoimmunity, and drug addiction. Effective Fall 2020, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Oral and/or Signed Communication, Scientific Inquiry II, Teamwork/Collaboration.
Section A1, SPRG 2023Evo Medicine Jan 23rd to May 1st
02:30:00 PM–05:15:00 PM
EIB 106
CAS AN 557 Anthropology of Mental Health
4 credits. Either sem. CAS AN 101 or CAS AN 102 or CAS AN 210; or consent of instructor. Junior standing required.
Considers mental illness from an anthropological point of view, including cultural, biological, and evolutionary perspectives. Focuses on the interaction of biology and culture in major mental disorders. Consideration is given to ethnomedical practices of healing mental illness. Effective Spring 2023 this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Oral and/or Signed Communication, Ethical Reasoning.
Section A1, SPRG 2023Anthro of Mh Jan 20th to Apr 28th
11:15:00 AM–02:00:00 PM
PLS 102
CAS AN 558 The Evolutionary Biology of Human Sex Differences
4 credits. CAS AN 102; or (CASBI107 & CASBI119), or consent of instructor.
Are sex and gender instantiated in the body? This seminar explores evolutionary approaches to investigating sex differences in human behavior and physiology from phylogenetic, mechanistic, and developmental perspectives. Topics include gender expression, non-binary sex/gender, aggression, mate choice, cognition, and more.
Section A1, SPRG 2023Sex Differences Jan 19th to May 2nd
12:30:00 PM–01:45:00 PM
PLS 102
CAS AN 563 Religion and Politics across Cultures
4 credits. Either sem. junior or senior standing; or consent of instructor.
BU Hub Learn More Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy Social Inquiry II
Examines the role of religion, religious movements, and secularism in modern politics, citizenship, and public life. Devotes special attention to the implications of the global religious resurgence for democracy, multicultural tolerance, and gender equality, both in Western liberal democracies and the global south. Effective Spring 2021, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy, Social Inquiry II.
Section A1, SPRG 2023Relig & Pol Jan 19th to May 2nd
12:30:00 PM–01:45:00 PM
CAS 235
CAS AN 594 Seminar: Topics in Cultural Anthropology
4 credits. Either sem. junior or senior standing of consent of instructor.
Selected issues and debates in current anthropology. Topic for Spring 2023: Racial Formations in the Global South. We develop a global understanding of how race is formed, undone, and practiced. Our goal is to understand race and racialization relationally by centering on the Global South.
Section A1, SPRG 2023Sem: Culturalan Jan 19th to May 2nd
12:30:00 PM–01:45:00 PM
STH 441
CAS AN 596 Anthropology and History
4 credits. junior or senior standing, or consent of instructor.
Examines the use of ethnographic materials and models of alternative social or economic organization to interpret historical materials as well as the use of history to provide dynamic models of change in anthropological analysis.
Section A1, SPRG 2023Sem:Anthro&Hist Jan 23rd to May 1st
02:30:00 PM–05:15:00 PM
PLS 102
Var credits. Summer