Plot out a well-rounded experience.
You can use the Roadmap to start planning out your undergraduate experience at BU. Your experience will of course include your classes, but it will also include the things you decide to do outside the classroom—activities, international experiences, internships or work, and more.
Note: transfer students can use the Transfer Roadmap.
Use the front side of the Roadmap to plan the courses you will take. This will be a work in progress!
Start by writing out your college and major requirements in the space allotted on the left. If you have not yet selected a major, jot down some areas that interest you and some courses you could take to explore those areas. Your Hub requirements are already listed on the right for you.
Then begin filling in the courses you think you might want to take, by semester, and note the requirements they meet.
You are not supposed to know all of the courses you want to take at the beginning of your journey! Your Roadmap is a place to keep track of ideas, and you can change directions as you go.
If you are deciding between majors, it can be helpful to create a viable Roadmap for each and then compare them. Which pathway interests you more?
Use the back side of the Roadmap to envision how you will round out your BU experience. What activities do you want to try? Who do you want to meet? What would you like to do in the city of Boston? Abroad?
Discuss your Roadmap with your advisor as you develop it. Together you can think through how the different elements of your BU experience are fitting together, and what you are learning along the way.
Finally, remember that maps can be helpful, but only if you are willing to redraw them as you learn more about yourself and the world around you.