MS in Media Ventures

The Master of Science in Media Ventures is an advanced program for creative, enterprising students who are interested in innovative media models, and who want to learn the skills and strategies to bring their ideas to the marketplace. The emphasis is on how content and technology are used to create something new and profitable. The goal of the Media Ventures program is to create a bridge to industry opportunities where innovation is key.

The MS in Media Ventures is a 12-month, three-term, bicoastal program that benefits from the strengths of both the Boston University College of Communication and the BU Los Angeles program. For their thesis project, students develop an idea for a new media business, product, or service. They spend the fall term in Boston where they begin to build their idea, complete with pitch, prototype, business, and marketing plans. The spring and summer terms will be spent at the BU Los Angeles program where, along with courses, students will complete two internships. At the conclusion of the program, students will pitch their capstone projects to a group of industry executives.

Students must maintain a 3.0 grade point average each term, in addition to earning a minimum grade of B– in COM FT 728 Creating New Ideas to continue in the program. Any student failing to meet these standards may be dismissed from the program, although the requirement may be waived by the chair of the department in consultation with appropriate faculty members. In such cases, the student is considered to be on probation, and any subsequent failure to achieve the mandatory academic standards will result in dismissal without review.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will examine the detailed processes required to take a business from concept to successful execution. The focus is on the creation of compelling content that drives new media businesses.
  • Students will develop a new media business, product, or service from concept to marketplace. Students will present their Pitch Deck and/or prototype, as their thesis project, to industry leaders.
  • Students will develop a clear understanding of strategic challenges—competition, funding needs, internal resources, external resources, and environmental pressures—facing all start-ups with an emphasis on the media industry.
  • Students will learn the skills and strategies of media product innovation, distribution, marketing, and management.


Students must complete 42 units.

Fall Term (Boston campus)

  • COM FT 518 The Media Money Trail (4 units)
  • COM FT 700 Fundamentals of Interactive Media (4 units)
  • COM FT 715 Market Analysis for Creative Ventures (4 units)
  • COM FT 728 Creating New Ideas (4 units)

Spring Term (Los Angeles Program)

  • COM CM 505 Entertainment Marketing and Promotion (4 units)
  • COM CM 564 Careers in the Entertainment Industry (4 units)
  • COM FT 825 Thesis Project (2 units)
  • COM FT 856 Graduate Media Ventures Seminar (4 units)
  • COM FT 953 Internship (4 units)

The spring term also includes two thesis workshops. The first focuses on the steps the students must take to refine their individual thesis projects. The second is an intense workshop in presentation skills.

Summer Term (Los Angeles Program)

  • COM FT 825 Thesis Project (4 units)
  • COM FT 954 Internship (4 units)

    In addition to the Bulletin, master’s students should refer to the College of Communication Graduate Handbook for a comprehensive guide to policies, academic regulations, and resources.